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《数据库系统概论》实验报告 实验题目: SQL Serve中的嵌套查询、数据更新和视图 日期 2013.4.28 班级 计算机1105 姓名 潘聪 实验环境:SQL Server 2005 实验目的: 掌握SQL语言的核心语句--SELECT语句的使用,具体为在SQL Server2005环境下采用Transact-SQL实现嵌套查询。 掌握采用Transact-SQL实现数据更新。 掌握采用Transact-SQL实现视图的定义、删除、查询与更新。 实验内容: 按照《数据库系统概论》P82页中的学生课程数据库和P75页中的SPJ数据库完成以下查询 (一)嵌套查询中的存在量词 查询还没有给任何工程供应过零件的供应商号sno和供应商名称sname,用带EXISTS谓词的子查询或相关联子查询实现。 select sno,sname from s where not exists( select * from spj where spj.sno = s.sno) 查询使用了全部零件的工程号JNO,用带EXISTS谓词的子查询实现。 select jno from j where not exists(select * from p where not exists(select * from spj where p.pno = spj.pno and j.jno = spj.jno)) 查询至少选修了’1’号和’2’号课程的学生学号, 用带EXISTS谓词的子查询或自身连接查询实现。 (1)select sno from sc where sno in (select sno from sc where cno=1) and cno=2 (2)select sno from sc where cno=1 intersect select sno from sc where cno=2 (3) select sno from sc sc1 where exists( select * from sc sc2 where sc1.sno = sc2.sno and sc1.cno = 1 and sc2.cno = 2) 附加题:查询至少用了供应商S1所供应的所有零件的工程号JNO,用带EXISTS谓词的子查询实现。 select jno from spj spj1 where not exists( select * from spj spj2 where sno = s1 and not exists( select * from spj spj3 where spj1.sno = spj2.sno and spj3.pno = spj2.pno)) (二)数据更新  把全部蓝色零件的颜色改为红色; update p set p.color=蓝 where p.color=红; select * from p; 将S5供应给J1的零件P3改为由S1供应,请作必要的修改; update spj set sno=s1 where sno = s5 and pno=p3 and jno = j1 ; select * from spj; 从供应商关系中删除S3的记录,并从供应情况关系中删除相应的记录。 delete from spj where sno=s3; delete from s where sno=s3 select * from s; select * from spj; 删除所有信息系(CS)同学的信息。 delete from student where sdept = cs; delete from sc where sno in (select sno from student where sdept=cs ) ; select * from student; select * from sc; 自行设计案例对学生-课程数据库的数据更新,并观察是否有违反数据的完整性约束。 (三)视图 请为”一汽”create view s_s(sno,pno,qty) as select sno,pno,qty from spj,j where j.jno = spj.jno and j.jname=一汽”一汽”select sno 零件代码,sum(qty) 数量from s_s group by sno; 找出供应商S2的供应情况; select * from s_s where sno=s2; 创建一个学生成绩统计视图,包括学号,姓名,选课门数,平均分,最高分。(没有选课的学生不参加统计)。 create view s_g(sno,sname,sum,a


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