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第22卷第6期 2014年6月 光学精密工程 Optics and Precision Engineering V01.22 No.6 Jun.2014 文章编号1004—924X(2014)06—1584—06 基于轴向振动配粉技术的药物微量配粉 王小鹏。,陈天宁,李欣欣 (西安交通大学机械工程学院机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室,陕西西安710049) 摘要:针对轴向振动配粉技术在植人式可降解缓释给药系统微量配粉中的应用,搭建了轴向振动配粉实验台。采用毛细 玻璃漏斗和圆锥状塑料吸头作为配粉管,研究两者稳定流动的振动幅值区间,讨论了振动频率对稳定出粉起始幅值、振 动幅值对出粉流量及出粉流量稳定性的影响。结果表明:采用圆锥状塑料吸头作为配粉管的配粉过程更稳定,并且具有 良好的抗堵性能;振动频率越大,实现配粉需要的起始激振幅度越小;在固定激振频率下,出粉流量随振幅先增大后减 小,且管体中粉体处于充分流动状态;在激振频率为50 Hz,150 Hz,振幅为200~300肛m和35~50肛m时,可以得到最 大且不随振幅改变的稳定出粉流量。实验论证了轴向振动配粉技术可以实现微量粉体的稳定、精确配给。 关 键词:药物粉体;微量配粉;流量;振动频率 中图分类号:TQ460.6 文献标识码:A doi:10.3788/OPE1584 Drug quantitative dispensing based on axial vibration microfeeding technology WANG Xiao—peng+,CHEN Tian—ning,LI Xin—xin (State Key Laboratory fo,|Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, School of Mechanical Engineering,xi7an Jiaotong University,xi 7arl 710049,China) *Corre spOnding author, Abstract:For application of the axial vibration micro feeding technology to the quantitative dispensing of an implant control releasing drug micro system,an experimental apparatus based on the axial vibra— tion method was set up.By using a glass capillary hopper and a conical plastic—tip as the dispending tubes,the vibration amplitude between both dispending tubes was researched and the influences of quantitative dispensing control parameters on the starting vibration amplitude,powder flow rate and the powder flow stability were discussed.The results show that the conical plastic—tip is a better dis— pensing tube with stable dispensing and good resistance to plugging.The higher the frequency,the lower the starting vibration amplitude needed to achieve desired starting feeding.At a constant excita— tion frequency,the flowing powder in the tube increases with the flow rate first,and then decreases to a stable value,meanwhile being a full flow state.Under both conditions with the excitation frequen— cies of 50 Hz,150 HZ and the amplitude between 200—300“m and 35—50肛m,the maxi



