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第 42卷 第 6期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.42 No.6 2014年3月16日 Power System Protection and Control Mar.16, 2014 山火预警技术在输电线路的应用现状 叶立平 1 ,陈锡阳 1 ,何子兰 2 ,谢从珍 2 ,黄健华 1 ,夏云峰 1 ,戴 栋 摘要:简述了输电线路监测山火的意义和必要性,分析了山火导致输电线路跳闸的机理。将目前应用于输电线路山火监测的 方法分为两种:一种是宏观的、大范围的卫星遥感山火监测技术,另一种是局部的、小范围的传感器网络监测技术。综合分 析了目前预警方法和对应算法的应用原理,详细分析和比较了现有预警方案的优点和不足之处。由于可借鉴的山火历史数据 少,且输电线路监测环境恶劣,更应注重预警模型以及算法的配合。总结了山火预警技术在输电线路上应用尚未解决的诸多 问题,研究更适合于输电线路运行环境的山火预警技术是未来的发展方向。 关键词:山火预警;输电线路;卫星遥感;无线传感;火灾探测器 2 (1.广东电网公司东莞供电局,广东 东莞 523000;2.华南理工大学电力学院,广东 广州 510640) Present situation of forest fire early warning technology used for transmission line YE Li-ping1, CHEN Xi-yang1, HE Zi-lan2, XIE Cong-zhen2, HUANG Jian-hua1, XIA Yun-feng1, DAI Dong 2. School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China) Abstract: The significance and the necessity of monitoring forest fire by transmission line are introduced. Mechanisms of tripping of transmission lines caused by the fire are analyzed. The current fire monitoring methods used in transmission line are divided into two categories, one is satellite-based infra-red sensor senses hot point technology which is used for detecting macro and wide area, and the other is wireless sensor networks for early detection of forest fires which is used for local and small scope area. The current applicable principle of early warning method and corresponding algorithms are analyzed comprehensively. The advantages and shortcomings of existing early warning schemes are analyzed and compared in detail. Because of the shortage of historical data and the adverse circumstances of transmission line, we should pay more attention to the cooperation of warning models and algorithms. The unsolved problems of application of fire warning technology in the transmission line are summarized. Research on fire warning method which is more suitable for transmission lines r




