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第一次授课内容:第一册unit 1—unit 7 温医专升本英语考试题型 Part One. Vocabulary and structure(20%)(二十个句子选自单项选择出题范围中列出的所有句子以及学生用书已授7个单元Section A课后练习的第三题中所有练习题。 Part Two. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解30%)(共三篇,其中一篇在练习册) Part Three.(Cloze完形填空10%)(课外内容) Part Four. Blank-filling(10%)(词形变换:练习册每课的第一部分内容,共十句,每句1分) Part Five. Translation(30%) 1.3 paragraphs(from English to Chinese英译中共三段,每段5分) (出题范围:每课的课文中--Book1第一册 P4 Para 8; P30 Para27-29; P56 Para12-13; P79 Para 6-7; P104 Para12-13; P130 Para13-14; P154 Para32-34; 2.5sentences(from Chinese to English中译英共5句)(已授课文Section A课后练习的中译英句子,共42句考其中5句,每句3分,请认真准备。) 第一次单项选择出题范围 请仔细阅读各个句子(包括中文含义),尤其是红色字体部分,要有印象。 Unit 1 The bank developed a new system of rewards to encourage the clerks to work harder. 银行推行新的奖励制度鼓励职员更加努力工作。 She found the experience very rewarding.她发现这个经历使她受益非浅。 The experiences of college will give you memories for the rest of your life. 大学经历将给你留下终生难忘的记忆。 He is a good choice to be president of our new company because he is rich in managerial experience. 他是出任我们新公司老总的好人选。 He has decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying. 他决定去看一看那栋房子,因为它值得买下来。 His job is to give instructions to people junior to her.他的职责是指导职位在他之下的人。 His position is senior to mine.他的职位比我高。 While professors are talking about economic theories, company chairmen are concerned with profits. 教授们讨论的是经济学理论,而公司领导们关注的是利润。 Not only did he finish his homework, but he also cleaned the room.他不仅做了作业,而且还打扫了房间。 Far from helping the situation, you’ve just made it worse. 你非但对形势没什么帮助,反而使形势更糟。 If you do not have access to the Internet ,we’ll send someone to help you. 如果你还上不了网,我们会让人去帮你。 The soldiers guarded the only access to the building.士兵把守着通向那栋楼的唯一通道。 You obtain access to your data by typing in a user name and password.输入用户名及密码,你就可以获得你的数据。 Members can participate in any of the activities organized by the club. 会员可以参加俱乐部组织的任何活动。 Many virtual communities are growing on the Internet as more and more people want to find new ways to make friends. 许多虚拟社区出现在因特网上,因为越来越多的人想通过新的方式交朋友。 T


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