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The 3D geology of London and the Thames Gateway: a modern approach to geological surveying and its relevance in the urban environment ABSTRACT As a provider of geological advice to industry, academia and the public, the British Geological Survey (BGS) has recognized the need to change the way it presents geoscientific information, resulting in the construction of attributed 3D geological models. The need to deliver 3D modelling solutions is of great importance in urban areas, where geological factors play a major role in supporting ground investigations and sustainable water management studies. The 3D geological model of London and the Thames Gateway occupies an area of approximately 3200 km2 and extends to a depth of 150 m. It includes a total of 38 units, ranging from Artificial Deposits and Quaternary sediments down to Tertiary and Cretaceous bedrock. The model is built using existing geological surveys, DEMs and extensive borehole and site investigation data. Modelling was carried out using GSI3D (Geological Surveying and Investigation in 3 Dimensions) software. This software and its associated workflow produce a series of gridded volumes of the geological units, constrained at depth by a network of cross-sections constructed by the geologist. The Thames Gateway model was attributed by assigning property values to each geological unit. This has provided a way of visualizing the spatial relationships between geological units with differing properties. The model has revealed previously unrecognized geological information. Further benefits of the attributed model include the ability to visualize and appreciate the link between lithology and physical characteristics. Such models will produce the decision support system necessary for the sustainable development and management of today’s megacities. 作为向工业、科学界和公众提供地质方面建议的机构,英国地调局意识到要改变它提供地质科学信息的方式,需要建立属性化的3D地质模型。实现3D地质模型解决方案的需求在城市地区是非常重要的,城市地区地质因素在支持地表调查和可持续水资源管理发挥重要的作用。伦敦3D地质模型和泰晤士门户占据一个大约3200km2和大约150m深的区域。包括总共38个单元从


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