Force of Nature.ppt

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Force of Nature

Force of Nature Unit 5 Force of Nature the famous scientist Marie Curie 居里夫人和女儿 居里夫人和爱因斯坦 居里夫人简介  居里夫人即玛丽居里(Marie Curie),是一位原籍为波兰的法国科学家。她与她的丈夫皮埃尔居里(Pierre Curie)都是放射性的早期研究者,他们发现了放射性元素钋(Po)和镭(Ra),并因此与法国物理学家亨利贝克勒尔(Henry Becquerel)分享了1903年诺贝尔物理学奖。之后,居里夫人继续研究了镭在化学和医学上的应用,并且因分离出纯的金属镭而又获得1911年诺贝尔化学奖。   这位饱尝科学甘苦的放射性科学的奠基人,因多年艰苦奋斗积劳成疾,患恶性贫血症(白血病)于1934年7月4日不幸与世长辞,她为人类的科学事业,献出了光辉的一生。 Three parts of this text Part I (P1-3) It provides us with the background knowledge, informing us why the writer idolized Marie Curie, briefly introduces the heroine and presents the writers evaluation of the heroine. Part II(P4-13) It is the body of the narrative story. This major part provides us with true, descriptive, and impressive accounts of the heroine, focusing on her experiences in life and her research work, and vividly telling us the major events that happened to her. Part III(P14) It is the summarizing paragraph of the story, and concisely points out the writers understanding or assessment of Marie Curies life--- truly glorious and tragic. Questions for discussion Q1: Why did the author, when still a teenager, idolize Madame Curie? Q2: Why is Marie Curie so famous in the world? * *


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