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研究生“工程热物理前沿”论文 重庆大学动力工程学院 二O一四年一月 摘 要 我国是世界上能源结构以煤为主的国家之一,也是世界上最大的煤炭消费国。随着经济的发展,能源问题社会与经济发展的一个长期制约因素关系全局的主要能源问题有:能源需求增长迅速,供需矛盾尖锐;能源结构不合理,优质能源短缺;效率低下,浪费惊人;环境影响更加严重面对时代的召唤,工程热物理等相关学科将承担起我国国民经济发展的能源与环境的重大需求,努力推进节能和科学用能已成为学科的指导思想和核心,而抓紧化石燃料的洁净技术、大力开发可再生能源和新能源技术则是工程热物理学科的发展战略重点。ABSTRACT China is not only one of the countries whose energy structure is coal-based, but also one of the worlds largest coal consumers. With the development of economy, the energy issue is the social and economic development of a long-term relationship factors, the main energy problem has global demand is growing rapidly, energy sharp contradiction between supply and demand, The energy structure unreasonable, high-quality energy shortage, Low efficiency and waste astonishing, The environmental impact is more serious. Facing the call of The Times, engineering thermal physical related subject will assume the development of our national economy energy and environment of the great demand to promote energy conservation and science use has become disciplines guiding ideology and the core, to grasp fossil fuel clean technology, vigorously develop renewable energy and new energy technology is engineering thermal physical development of the discipline of strategic emphasis. This article mainly introduced the engineering thermal physical sciences in solar power generation technology, nuclear power technology, biomass gasification technology, fuel cell technology and other new energy field, and circulating fluidized bed clean efficient combustion technologys achievements and future development direction. Keywords:Engineering thermal physical, nuclear power, solar energy, biomass gasification, fuel cells, fluidized bed 一、我国能源现状 我国是世界上的能源消费大国,也是世界能源市场的重要参与者,占世界一次能源需求总量的10%以上,在未来的一段时期内,我国经济的强劲增长将继续拉动我国能源需求的快速增长和进口。 煤是我国能源的主力,虽然煤在总能源中所占的比例会逐渐下降(从75%下降到60%),但总量仍会不断增加。特别是在电力行业,煤用于发电的比例会越来越大,从目前的50%增加到70%以上。我国石油短缺,车用液体燃料还是得从煤基替代燃料上找出路。我国2005 年进口原油及其成品油约1.3 亿吨,估计2010 年


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