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朱生豪,梁实秋,孙大雨,方平,卞之琳,曹未风…… A CONTRASTIVE STUDY ON ZHU’S AND LIANG’S TRANSLATION OF Contents 1: A Brief Introduction to the Two Translators 2: Domestication and Foreignization 3: The Difference in Diction Features 4: The Difference in Language Styles 1903 出生 1987 离世 1915 考入清华留美预备学校 先后在美国科罗拉多学院、哈佛大学就读英美文学 1923 1912 出生 1944 《亨利五世》尚未完成,抱憾离世 1929 被校长举荐到之江大学 1935 开始准备翻译莎剧 朱生豪 梁实秋 1936 《暴风雨》第一稿完成 《威尼斯商人》《哈姆雷特》 《奥赛罗》出版 1936 《暴风雨》出版 1937 1937 日军进攻上海 9部喜剧部分译稿被焚 太平洋战争爆发,日军占领上海 全部资料与译稿丢失 1941 1942 补译丢失的9部喜剧 1970 完成《莎士比亚全集》,其中戏剧37册 1943 闭门不出 译出莎剧全部悲剧、4部历史剧 带病译出《查理二世》 《查理四世》《约翰王》 1944 《莎士比亚戏剧全集》出版 1947 1: A Brief Introduction to the Two Translators 2: Domestication and Foreignization 3: The Difference in Diction Features 4: The Difference in Language Forms Contents They are strategies in translation, regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture. Domestication (归化) Foreignization (异化) Foreignization (异化) Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of information from the source text. Domestication (归化) Foreignization (异化) 萧乾:“译者在把握原作精神的基础上, 可以根据原语和译语的内在规律对译文加以灵活调整, 例如意义的重新组合、语法结构的调整等等, 使用合乎汉语语法规范的自然表达方式。” Domestication (归化) Domestication (归化) Foreignization (异化) Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. Foreignization (异化) 茅盾:“为了使文学翻译达到艺术创造的水平, 从而忠实地传达原作的内容与形式, 翻译家在具体的翻译实践过程当中应该主要采用直译的方法。” Foreignization (异化) To keep as much as possible the language features of Shakespeare and introduce the purest western culture to Chinese readers, Liang mostly employed literal translation. Foreignization (异化) Foreignization (异化) ACT 3 SECENE 4 LEAR: I’ll talk a word with this same learned Theban. What is your study? (Theban, from Thebes, Greek philosopher.) 梁实秋:我要和这位有学问的蒂毕斯人说一句话。你现在心里思索着什么呢? 朱生豪:我还要和这位学者说一句话。您研究的是哪一门学问?


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