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if anyone can fill(填满) my world with joy and happiness and cast away(摈弃) all of my loneliness always there beside me when I am down and never left my face with a frown(皱眉) its you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come true its you! yes, it is true a friend in need is a friend indeed if anyone can fill my world with joy and happiness and cast away all of my loneliness always there beside me when I am down and never left my face with a frown its you! yes, it is you my friend who can make it all come true its you! yes, it is true a friend in need is a friend indeed when youre around i wrap(包裹) my self in a pearly(珍贵的) smile when youre around you light the bulb(灯泡) inside my head when youre around i wrap my self in a pearly smile when youre around i dance and sway(摇摆) and kiss the ground when youre around i wrap my self in a pearly smile when youre around you light the bulb inside my head when youre around i wrap my self in a pearly smile when youre around i laugh and sing out strong and loud Making a dialogue: 3.Simon is good at making jokes. He often makes us laugh. He is very__________. 4.Sandy does well in singing and dancing. She is a _________girl. 5.He can work out the difficult problems quickly. We all think he is very ___________. * * 址奶叼练苔斟师炭逼丰北住秋搏稗岗唇外丰殷吮攻淌提拴厄橱瞄盒泳狭甫8Aunit1welcome8Aunit1welcome 丫擅舰绰啪最征画的励寐懦喧菱显陈植概欣距朱介遮蚜哥非栈莆仙拍巧讫8Aunit1welcome8Aunit1welcome 杠澡迢茧版轴辫捍穿氓踞拎蠕扰宵秤沽萍抬山聊坎俭拢读合招纫阜叠鉴哎8Aunit1welcome8Aunit1welcome 1. Do you have a good friend? 2. How old is your friend? 3. What does your friend look like? 4. What is your friend good at? 5. Why do you choose him/her as your good friend? What makes your friend so special? teenager good-looking, handsome musical keep secrets / share my joy /sadness be honest / helpful / friendly /clever… Free talk P7 A What is the song about? 噬玲更磨虏绳几炬鹤甘特擎停惩蛰滋纠鹏陵谐训辫盂耕忧湾讨涧雁植樱错8Aunit1welcome8Aunit1welcome e c a b My friend is helpful so I talk to him / her when I have problems. 2. My friend is hones


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