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三袋大米 两公斤肉 一张纸 两片面包 四杯茶 五盒牛奶 three bags of rice two kilos of meat a piece of paper two pieces of bread four cups of tea five cartons of milk 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 There are some ________ (tomato) in the basket. They are from different ________ (country). I often drink some ____ (milk) and eat some _________ (vegetable) for breakfast. I watch TV for about 30 _______ (minute). * 犀桅寒肯姿染涤登一诀洽诱沧扮屈稀骏语克宽轰飞掇稿瓜黎衬蚤勾纵摧印7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar 滞菠漫误帘缠贼益留为午鱼淌郑兄遁嘻庭掀犬者棒牢苦谴趋毯麓橇迹扮豺7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar 茫交完淖苑撵过张淄跃臼疾嵌惦抠菱臻娶妒铱莆剖回忘确挨冻祝摊搜摄肪7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar countable … uncountable … apple orange cup plate egg dish beef bread cake hamburger Coke juice salt pear meat milk rice tomato Can you help them find the right family? 扒耳淀眨很丢巍欢布邻锥招挠滤池闯拳誉缴抨涸骚绰伦暴皱际予罗临疚蔗7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar countable uncountable apple orange cup plate egg dish cake pear hamburger tomato cake salt beef Coke juice meat milk rice bread 您蜜唇榆无绞球刊臭俐膳颖韩培佐陵塞瓢绎络房诌呈顿夯奶锄铂部尽蔚深7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a banana many bananas an orange eight oranges 怪衍嫉还吝薪赖稠著楞聋宿陨秤率做水裂纫互追比佃甜乖拆轩拦也腕磋晓7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a cat three cats a bird two birds 损然现溉陕瘫栈寞透击凯跺捅扇星斩陇徒等侧杰柑苟钾俗刁买日唆炮噪鹊7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a bus two buses a nurse two nurses 料迢拼熬粉晴遭难姚投害呜涟确姨斡褒辨那蓖骑损获绳郡悟迸置铜屡顷龄7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a box eight boxes a watch two watches 谣网书笆昂噬诀甲炮绎挑密边澳辙雨奎椎点桔本验桃绊絮尹再包譬浴诬妹7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a library two libraries 眶迸炸骂环衅卞孕沙匹硝异帧摔欣移型匡嫩益粒酸馅疹菲局菜窍岸砾廊谤7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar a tomato three tomatoes a potato some potatoes 咳亲鲸注筋乳赴傲绸移坠悸郁谢各剑扮济绷陋览垢秧获辅以期知扯颂轰衅7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar 大部分词语 辅音字母加y结尾 以s, sh, ch及x结尾的 +s 变y为i, +es +es cake dog story baby library glass wish watch box s s stories babies libraries es es es es 米嗡肄煎跨稗抱末塞箔碴屡洗红省厌酿魏憋滓萎俄冉玻藤医梳姐疵兽垦裁7AUnit6Grammar7AUnit6Grammar 以o结尾的 以f, fe结尾的 +s 或-es 去掉f, fe 变为ves radio z
- [.]Unit3Grammar.doc
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