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Spain trip Preparations Cost Customs Traffic tools Places of interest reasons Lets go ! Preparations: passport, visa(签证), baggage and cash ! Monetary: (货币) (since 2002) Euros: (欧元) (before 2002) pesetas (比塞塔) Spains euro Spain - 1 to 5cent for San Diegos cathedral, 10 to 50cent for Spanish writer Cervantes avatar, 1, 2 euros for Spanish king Juan carlos portraits recently 1 € = 9.3193 ¥ The most reasonable route By train : 1.from putian to hangzhou (transfer station) to zhengzhou 2. Along the new asian-european(新亚欧大陆桥) to Europe (several mounth) By plan (at least 15 hours) From putian to Madrid is undoubtedly a very difficult thing. As we know , China only have three direct European airports. They are Beijing Shanghai and Guangdong. so, we should go there first. This is the recent flight from China to spain Travel to Spain COST !!! This is a very serious question . Coffee and a pastry or toast for breakfast is under 2 Total Food Budget Per Day: 15-40 (if you eat lunch?from a supermarket you can eat even cheaper). Plane ticket: A return plane ticket between China and Spain will cost you around 5000 yuan. Taxi:A ten minute journey in Buses: Travel a taxi in Spain will usually cost within cities in about six or seven ?hotels in Spain: ?5 star hotel prices for 200 to 300 euros, 4 star hotel price for 100-200 euros, 3 star hotel prices for 60-100 euros, 2 and 2 star-rated hotel hotel prices below 60 euros below About Spanish tomato festival Spanish tomato festival began in 1945, the last year in August to Wednesday, the best known in the world. According to legend, one day, a small band from the city center of horn blowing through the streets, it is the speaker who led Alice to the sky. At this time, a group of young people to whim, throw tomatoes into a megaphone(扩音器) , and a competition with each other to see who can throw the t


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