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关于下发板石矿业公司《环保设施管理制度》的 通 知 公司所属各单位、部室: 为进一步规范矿业公司环保设施管理工作,加强环保设备的运行、维护、保养管理,彻底消除设备故障引起的污染事故,提高环保设施完好率和运行率,不断改善矿业公司生产生活环境。现将板石矿业有限责任公司《环保设施管理制度》下发给你们,望各单位、部室严格遵照执行。 此通知 附:板石矿业公司环保设施管理制度 二O一年八月一日 通钢板石矿业有限责任公司 制度编号:发布日期: 编 制 人:审 核 人:批 准 人:制度页数:共 页 保证环境保护设施正常运行,防治污染,提高和改善环境质量相应资质的单位进行设计施工和建设,无工艺设计缺陷和工程质量问题配备设施故障或污染事故发生时的预警和污染预防应急处置设施已建成的环境保护设施不符合建设要求的限期进行技术改造。环保设施运行操作管理人员是否正常运行有无擅自停运、闲置记录全面、完整、规范 由于工作失职,不负责任,管理不善等原因,造成设备、设施跑、冒、滴、漏;没采取任何有效的防范措施擅自拆除和停止运行环保设施,以及由于各种污染物和废弃物随意堆放、弃置、倾倒,不采取任何措施引起环境污染事故,公司将根据相关的管理规定,对其进行相应的考核和经济处罚。 第四章 附 则 第十五条 本制度解释权归板石矿业公司安全生产监督管理部。 第十六条 本制度若与国家和通钢矿业公司的相关规定相抵触,按国家和通钢矿业公司的相关规定执行。 第十七条 本制度自颁布之日起实施。 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car maintenance, and car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise, and and and car using and maintenance about of career field of production, and service, and management line post, training support party of line, adapted car maintenance, and car using front line need, de, and wisdom, and body, and beauty full development, Has good all-around professional ability, knowledge of professional theoretical knowledge and good practice, can successfully enter car market employment, through vocational training, continuing education, self-taught, to continue learning channels to achieve all-round development in all aspects of vehicle inspection and maintenance technology of high quality workers. Through the system of training, so that students have a scientific world Outlook, Outlook on life and the spirit of patriotism, collectivism 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class nation


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