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9. The effect of his opposing his boss’s plan was _________(可怕的). 10.________(无论如何), you ought to finish it this week. 11. This is a new _______ (电影)called Harry Potter IV. 12. The simple elegance of the meal _______(使…喜悦)the guests. 13. Bright lights _______(吸引)moths. 14. Good novels are usually made into_______(剧本). 15.Some of the _________(著名的)films that Audrey acted in include Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffanys and My Fair Lady. 16. Great __________(污染)affair occurs in Ha’erbin. I think that is terrible. Instead of beer, I like drinking soft_____(饮料). Read the film _______(评论), then decide whether to see it. ______(那一边)is a lake, why not go swimming in it? In 1992, the President of the United States ________(颁发)her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work. _______(出席)at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned. There is a ______(癌症)in his brain. Poor man! Colette insisted that Audrey was the _______(完美的)girl to play the lead role in the play. He _______(坚持)on his ideas. And at last, he succeed. I am a teacher in a high school. Teaching is my ______(事业). Today, I have a __________(白日梦). In it, I picked up a wallet on my way to school. Would you like to be an ______(女演员)? When Audrey died in 1993, the world _________(哀悼)the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian. His wife is a ______(芭蕾)dancer. And she is very thin. She began taking ballet lessons at a very young_____(年龄). She had put all her ______(努力)into ballet training before she entered the film industry. The patient entered a hospital with the help of some _________(志愿者). American has powerful film ________(工业), especially in Hollywood. Some bad films have bad _______(影响)on people, especially teenagers. He is __________(有经验的)in dealing this kind of affair. You are not a child but an adult. You should be more _______(现实的). 二、根据句子的 意思和首字母填空. What do you think of the a_____ like Zhang Ziyi? His e______ ended in failure. Audrey s beauty and charm a____


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