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传染病信息? 2017 年 2 月 28 日? 第 30 卷? 第 1 期? Infect?Dis?Info,?Vol.?30,?No.?1,?February?28,?2017·8· 传染病疾病谱变迁引发传染病医院发展思路的探讨 李 敏,卢洪洲 ? ? [ 摘要 ] 中国是病毒性肝炎和肺结核大国。1998—2014 年 28 种甲、乙类传染病中艾滋病、布氏杆菌病、梅毒等发病率 呈上升趋势,其他甲、乙类传染病发病率逐年走低。死亡人数以艾滋病为首位。国际上,突发、新发、再发传染病不断涌现。 部分慢性传染病患者易合并多种并发症导致病情复杂化,而良好依从性可以提高慢性传染病治疗的成功率。传染病医院应充 分利用“互联网 + 医疗”、云医院、远程医疗等新型模式,加快传染病医院信息化建设,加快转型为感染性疾病综合性医院, 发展精细化感染性疾病专业,以医疗服务带动传染病医院创新发展,加强慢性传染病管理与口岸合作。 ? ? [ 关键词 ] 传染病谱;变迁;传染病医院;发展 ? ? [ 中国图书资料分类号 ] R375    [ 文献标志码 ] A    [ 文章编号 ] 1007-8134(2017)01-0008-04 ? ?   DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8134.2017.01.004 Discussion on the development of infectious diseases hospital by infectious spectrum changes LI Min, LU Hong-zhou* Department of Infectious Disease, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, 201508, China *Corresponding author, E-mail: luhongzhou@     [Abstract] China is a major country for viral hepatitis and tuberculosis. The incidence of AIDS, brucellosis and syphilis is on the rise from 1998 to 2014, AIDS is the number one cause of death. But the incidence of Class A and Class B except AIDS, brucellosis and syphilis infectious diseases declines year by year. In the international arena, emergent infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases and recurrent infectious diseases are emerging. Some patients with chronic infectious diseases easily lead to a variety of complications complication so that good adherence can improve the success rate of treatment. Infectious diseases hospitals should fully use the Internet + medical, cloud hospital, telemedicine and other new medical model, accelerating infectious disease hospital information construction, doing deep medical data mining well, accelerating the transformation of infectious general hospital, developing the fine professional infection, innovating and developing the medical services to strengthen the management of chronic infectious diseases and port cooperation.   [Key words] infectious disease spectrum; change; infectious disease hospital; developmen


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