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职业技能鉴定国家题库试卷 计算机操作员中级操作技能考核试卷 试题 1、计算机安装、连接、调试 (1) 本题分值:10 分 (2) 考核时间:10 分钟 (3) 考核形式:实操 (4) 具体考核要求: 11. 在系统中添加“仿宋_GB2312(TrueType)”字体,(该字体文件存放在“C:\考生”目录下)。 12. 在考试机上安装 Epson LQ-300k 打印机的驱动程序。 13. 在考试机上安装 Epson PhotoPC 700/CP-600 Digital Camera 照相机的驱动程序。 14. 设置启动“Outlook Express 电子邮件”程序,快捷方式为“Ctrl+Alt+K”,运行方式为“最大化”。 15. 启用 OUTLOOK Express 电子邮件程序,启动时直接转到“收件箱”文件夹,启动时发送和接收邮件, 设置每隔 15 分钟自动检查新邮件。 试题 2、文件管理 (1) 本题分值:5 分 (2) 考核时间:5 分钟 (3) 考核形式:实操 (4) 具体考核要求: 5. 保护文档:将“素材库\考生素材 1\文件素材 2.doc”复制到“考生文件夹中,并且重命名为 DAAN2- 2B.doc,保护该文档的“修订”,密码为 Ks2-2。 6. 查找文件:查找 C 驱动器中去年一年内修改过的、大小在 100KB 以上的所有文件。 试题 3、文字录入 (1) 本题分值:20 分 (2) 考核时间:25 分钟 (3) 考核形式:实操 (4) 具体考核要求: (a) 英文基本录入:在十分钟之内录入以下英文内容,错误率不高于千分之五。 The moon festival is the second most important festival in the traditional Chinese calendar and occurs on the fifteenth day of the eighth month. The moon on that night is thought to be brighter, And it is time for the Chinese people to mark their Moon Festival, or the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round shape symbolizes family reunion. Therefore the day is a holiday for family members to get together and enjoy the full moon-an auspicious token of abundance, harmony and luck. Myths and legends abound in Chinese culture about the moon, hence the popularity of this festival. Perhaps the best known myth is of Changer flying to the moon. In this story, it is said that a long time ago, there were 10 suns in the sky, causing great misery to the inhabitants of earth, with the seas boiling, mountains falling and the earth cracking. An expert archer Hou Yi decided to help and took his bow and shot down nined of the ten suns. Because of this the people of the earth made him king. However, his pride soon lead him to become a tyrant, drinkiing, womanising and killing people as he liked. He became much disliked by the people, and seeing that his days were numbered went to see Wang Mu the Fairy Queen in search of the elixir of immortality. Although he obtained the elixir, his wife Changer d


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