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龙江小学 邹霖丽 Sound time Rhyme time Checkout time Ticking time Learning aims 学习目标 I can talk about some illnesses. 我能谈论关于疾病的内容。 3. I know the sound of the letter ‘o’. 我知道字母o的发音。 4. I can make a telephone call. 我会用学的语言来打电话。 2. I can say the rhyme. 我会说小诗。 Let’s sing This is … speaking. Let’s go and see him. Let’s act Mr Fox has a cold and a cough. fox box O The hot dog in the box is not lunch for the fox! /?/ hot dog not 我了解字母“o”的发音。 我会说小诗。 ☆ ☆ 我能利用字母o的发音认读其他的单词。 sock off pot doctor Tom jog fog coffee 我了解字母“o”的发音。 我会说小诗。 ☆ ☆ 我能利用字母o的发音认读其他的单词。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 我能辨析字母o的不同读音。 fox /?/ /??/ /?/ fox /?/ goat /??/ Mr Fox, you can … Sue Who is going to see a doctor? What’s the matter? She has a cold and a fever. Hello, may I speak to Sue? This is Sue. How are you? I have a cold and a fever too. Well, go and see Doctor Wu! Doctor Wu Hello, may I speak to Sue? This is Sue. How are you? I have a cold and a fever too. Well, go and see Doctor Wu! Group work: 小组选择不同的节奏或曲调来表演小诗 扩充小诗 Tips: Sue跟她的朋友在 电话中还会说什么呢? 改编小诗 Tips: Sue的朋友给Doctor Wu 打电话,他们会说什么呢? Group work: 小组合作选择一项任务来完成 ☆ ☆ 我能正确、流利地朗读小诗。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 我能和小伙伴一起创作小诗并表演。 I have a/ an … h f a. Take care, Yang Ling. See you soon. c. Hi, Yang Ling. This is Su Hai. How are you? e. I’m sorry to hear that. Can I come to see you after school? f. See you, Su Hai. g. What’s the matter? h. Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. b d i a c e g b. Not so good. d. OK. Thank you, Su Hai. i. I have a cough and a headache. b. Not so good. d. OK. Thank you, Su Hai. f. See you, Su Hai. h. Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. i. I have a cough and a headache. a. Take care, Yang Ling. See you soon. c. Hi, Yang Ling. This is Su Hai. How are you? e. I’m sorry to hear that. Can I come to see you after school? g. What’s the matter? g i e d a b c Pair work: 同桌进行角色对话 Tips: 1.注意电话用语的顺序; 2. 注意对话的顺序。 Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking.


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