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1.A: Where’s Jim, Li Lei? B: He ______________his school library. 2.The Greens _____________ the USA. They won’t go there with us this summer. 3. We _____________the Great Wall twice. It’s very beautiful. 4. My father ____________ Beijing. He will be back in two days. 5. A: _____ Tommy _________ Shanghai? B: Yes. He went there yesterday and hasn’t come back yet. 6. Kitty_________________ hongkong for 2days. 标志词:for +一段时间, since+过去的时间点, over these years, so far, in the past/last …years We __________ (learn) English for three years/ since two years ago/since 2000. Mr. Green _________ (be) in China these years. They ____________(write) 15 songs so far. The population ____________ (grow) more slowly in the past ten years. Discussion: Filling blanks with for or since and rewrite the sentences 1. We have lived here ______ 1990. 2. You have studied here ___ 5 years. 3. The boy has had a bad cold _____ last week. 4. Mr. Huang has kept the books ______ a month ago . 5.I have taught in the school _____ I came here two years ago. 6.We have been friends _____ years. Exercises Translation 1. 你曾经去过日本吗? 没有,但我和我的父母去过法国两次。 2. 三天前,我妈妈去了香港。她已经去那儿三天了。 3. 你表弟在哪儿?我已经很久没有见过他了。 他去美国度假了。 4. 我是三年前加入阅读兴趣小组的。 我已经加入阅读兴趣小组三年了。 Where is your cousin? I haven’t seen him for a long time. He has gone to the USA for a holiday. I joined in the Reading Club. I have been in the Reading Club for three years/since three years ago. 5.自从我三岁时,我外祖父就死了。 6. 电影已经开始多久了? 半小时。 7. 我父母已经结婚二十年了。 My grandfather has been dead since I was three years old. How long has the movie been on? For half an hour. My parents have been married for twenty years. * I __________ (do) my homework already. He _______________(not finish) his homework yet. This is the most exciting match I ______ ever _____ (see). Mother _____ just _______(clean) the house. It’s so tidy. They _________________(practice) this dialogue twice. We _____________ (learn) English for two years/ since two years ago/sin


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