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Topic2 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Section A Ran Guangyong We are coming! We’re winners! I’m ill. How to keep away from germs? ? ? A: Must we … B: Yes, we must. No, we needn’t. we don’t have to. do exercise wash hands before meals keep the air fresh spit in public throw litter around tidy our rooms drink sour milk Put litter into dustbin have a healthy eating habit go to crowded place A: Must we … to keep away from germs? B: Yes, we must. No, we needn’t/don’t have to. Listen and complete the dialog: Kangkang: Mom, __________ _____! Dad is on TV! Mom: OK, I’m coming. Journalist: May I ask you some ________________, Dr. Li? Dr. Li: Sure, go __________. Journalist: The flu is spreading ____________ among people these days. So what should we do to ____________ it? Dr. Li: Well, first, we should _____________often to build us up. Second, we should _______ our rooms clean and the air _______ all the time. Third, we should wash our hands and ___________ our clothes often. Finally, we had better not go to ____________ places. Journalist: Must we go to see a doctor at once ________ we have the flu? Dr. Li: Yes, we must. Journalist: Thank you. We’ll take your __________. hurry up questions ahead quickly prevent exercise keep fresh change crowded when advice Read and answer: (1) What does kangkang’s father do? (2) How to prevent the flu? (3) Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu? (4) What else can we do to prevent the flu? He is a doctor. Read and answer: (2) How to prevent the flu? First, we should exercise often to build us up. Second, we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. Third, we should wash our hands and change our clothes often. Finally, we had better not go to crowded places. Read and answer: (3) Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu? Yes,We must. Read and answer: (4) What else can we do to prevent the flu? We must have


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