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牛津高中英语教学设计 单  元:Unit 2 Wish you were here 板  块:Reading Thoughts on the design: 这是本单元的第二课时,在第一课时“Welcome to the unit”中已经通过多媒体向学生展示了许多值得去探险旅游的世界各地及探险活动,如登山、冲浪漂流等;并就“Adventure”,同学们进行了热烈讨论,学生对探险旅行有了一定的了解,获得了一定的背景知识。本节阅读课是关于Toby写给她的好友Aihua的一封便信,告诉Toby 暑假她和他哥哥去非洲的旅行计划。本课时运用多媒体增加课堂容量,提高课堂效率和学生积极性。通过设计有助于提高学生的阅读概括水平与分析问题能力的练习,指导学生提高阅读速度和把握作者写作思路;及通过练习设计提高学生运用语言解决问题的能力,变学习语言为运用语言。 Teaching aims: After learning the content of this period, the students will know how to read and write an informal letter. Besides, their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities will be developed by reading the text step by step, guided by different exercises arranged from lower levels to higher levels. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Free talk and Lead-in People have always been seeking interesting, exciting and challenging things to do. Now let’s look at some of the activities. (Show PPT4) [Explanation] 在“Welcome to the unit”的基础上进一步向学生补充背景知识,激发学生的阅读兴趣,为学生在阅读中获得成就感打下基础。 Step 2 Listening and scanning 1. (Show the students PPT5) Now look at the activities and places on the screen, listen to the recording of the text, and decide which of them are mentioned on the tape. 2. Focus on the new words of places. (PPT6) Morocco, the Sahara Desert, the River Nile, Lake Victoria, Kenya, Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) Himalayas 3. Provide the students with more information about the above places by linking the words to relevant slides. (PPT7-13) [Explanation] 听课文录音快速略读环节设计是为培养学生在阅读中抓主要信息的能力,而其后教非洲名字并介绍关于这些地区的进一步信息是为下面的阅读作铺垫。 Step 3 Fast reading 1. Guide students to the Reading Strategy of this unit and then ask them some questions (PPT14) ①. Are dates included? (Yes/No) (Yes) ②. Is the reader’s surname addressed? (Yes/No) (No) ③. Are friendly greetings usually used at the beginning of the letter? (Yes/No) (Yes) ④. Are past events mentioned? (Yes/No) (Yes) ⑤. Are jokes made in the letter? (Yes/No) (Yes) Conclusion: It is an informal letter. 2. Get the students to rea


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