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Around the World in Eight Hours main unit keyboard mouse screen Revision icon /a?k?n/ ;[计算机]图标 the “QQ” icon If you click on it, you can chat with your e-friends on the Internet. /kl?k/;[计]点击 Tour At the top of the page is the “Tour” icon. Do you believe that we can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more in only eight hours? Just click on it, you can visit different places around the world on the Internet. Let me be your guide. /ɡa?d/ n.导游 Europe Asia Africa America A map of the world Let’s first visit New York, the biggest city in the USA. We also call it “the Big Apple” because it’s full of chances(机遇,机会). /m?nh?tn/ /a?l?nd/ Manhattan Island曼哈顿岛 Wall Street 华尔街 at the southern part of… Wall Street 华尔街 the world-famous trade centre /tre?d/贸易;交易 big companies and international banks /,?nt?n??n?l/ adj.国际的;世界性的 Times Square时报广场 gather here on New Year’s Eve see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness [hju?d?] adj.巨大的;庞大的;极大的 /dɑ?kn?s/ n.黑暗 /ɡ?e?(r)/ v. 聚集;集合 in the centre of the island Central Park It includes several lakes and hills. /‘sevr?l/ det. 几个,数个 a large green lawn /l??n/ n.草坪;草地 relax after a hard day’s work /r?l?ks/ v.休息;放松;使 ... 放松;放宽 /hɑ?d/ adj. 硬的;困难的 Broadway /br??dwe?/ n.百老汇(美国纽约一街道名) be famous for its theatres the famous Broadway musical Cats /mju?z?kl/n.音乐片 Memory At the bottom of the page is the “Song” icon. Shall we click on it? So much for New York. 关于……就讲这么多,……到此为止 guide icon click Asia Africa Europe America world-famous n. 导游,向导 n. 图标 vi. vt. 点击 n. 亚洲 n. 非洲 n. 欧洲 n. 美洲 adj. 世界著名的, 举世闻名的 trade southern international gather huge darkness island several lawn n. 贸易 adj. 南方的,南部的 adj. 国际的 vi. vt. 聚集,集合 adj. 巨大的 n. 黑暗 n. 岛屿 det. 几个,数个 n. 草坪 relax hard musical so much for sth bottom pick play website vi. 放松,休息 adj. 辛苦的;艰难的 n. 音乐剧 (表示就某事讲完了) 关于……就讲这么多, ……到此为止 n. 底,底部 vt. 挑选 n. 戏剧,剧本 n. 网站 Wall Street 华尔街 Manhattan Island 曼哈顿岛 Times Square 时报广场 Central Pa


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