struggle for sanity.ppt

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struggle for sanity

Causes Neglect and indifference at a crucial stage Broken marriage Family finances Physically or sexually abused More and more expectation from family and society Solutions Therapeutic drugs Reward and punishment Counseling---not just of the youngsters but of the entire family The current situation in China 作家阮梅在长时间的一系列调查采访研究过程中,发现未成年人心理危机问题严重,成长状况不容乐观,并在其著作中作了大量的报道。 早在前些年,有关方面在儿童、青少年心理健康问题座谈会公布的调查统计结果就显示,我国儿童、青少年行为问题检出率就达12.9%,有焦虑不安、恐怖和抑郁情绪等问题的大学生占学生总数的16%以上,我国17岁以下未成年人约3.4亿,有各类学习情绪、行为障碍者约3000万人。其中中小学生心理障碍患病率为21.6%至32%,大学生中,16%左右有心理障碍,5.2%的学生承认在过去一年中有过严重的自杀性行为。而近年媒体报道的数字又有明显上升趋势。 Causes Parents’ way of parenting Causes related to the teachers ( the teachers mental health, the teachers’ way of teaching) Their own flaws The influence of the society Other causes Solutions The government has sensed the problem and has taken actions, but--- --- Know yourself and accept yourself Accept others and get along with others Have a passion for life, study and work Face reality, change it not avoid it Control your emotion, and keep a peaceful mind 《放飞心灵——青少年心理健康透视》 Homeless to Harvard * The current situation about youngsters’ mental health in America: 7.5 million children (12%) under 18 suffer from psychological illness Hospitalization of youngsters with psychiatric disorders jumped from 81500 to 112000 between 1980 and 1986 Suicides among the 15 years old to the 19 yeas old have almost tripled since 1960, to 1901 deaths in 1987 The age at which children are exhibiting mental problems is dropping(30% of 18 months old and younger) There are limitations considering the fundamental realities of the country: Big difference between different regions Lack of theoretical support Lack of professional therapists Practice without scientific and specialized instructions So what we can do ? *


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