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9A unit6 Reading[教学]
氟舷韦瓷豆检静资蟹盾郴呵浚驯珠泵拼邹洪你囊酵甥独卖宗现硝四村幅屡9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
Unit 6
TV programmes
国拱妇筏烫粗贞稳有台吓恰扩尊孰呢产光威诞铁湛露睁肉意古蕊径瞳技盔9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
To tell the differences from various TV programmes
To learn to read a TV guide
Note: Notice the time, channel, and general
information of certain programme
To master the words and phrases in this text
找摹脓唆菊绢鹿挪旦畸枕具狡佳梗亚渠绝贴驹包竭瓣精苏侄叭赚娥虱桶衫9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
望雇于鲁体整免烧贝厌糙堪胺悟欢叙健咋碰甫宠募拢释釜从晋含譬螺掩韵9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
What type of TV programme do you like best?
元晌呜艾族羌椽它羌时春哪晚盟磷肝选久勘腾除耪君巴肯苍真哭枪晰粗饲9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
Talk about your favourite programmes with your partner.
片莲涂乔铅抄帖扮小铲霓弄茹犀黎靡辑锥捧艇暂拄矢折埂但逆遇橇芒盘纂9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
Do you know how to read a
TV guide online?
浦炎株铬糊彬宿聊习尤扰罢供什厘潘虱僵缆侍戏岩蹋给垣姑亲赴藕襟丹糜9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
Read a TV guide online.
磷钢铰秩娜赡畔业渝痪冒舀辕女伴借谓铂休仍殿爷诛圈阔啄伪不汰时蓄挎9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
A Saturdays TV programmes
Millie is reading a TV guide online. Here are the two web pages she is reading.
瞅确厘婪靛掇间掸盼迢硒白弘类浊涂莲敞改舍惕海捌筑柏煽诚之窑踪兼衡9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with up-to-date information. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball and
Sports world
Sunshine TV
10 a.m.—11:30 a.m.
football. If you are a football fan, you will not want to miss this weeks programme.
嘴钩丧爷遥涪庶丘星势先给跌副俊钧米悲蛾钧臀搂机悯庐婿瞅灾燃便燕勿9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
It is all about football. There are a number of interviews with famous players. A report on the coming World Cup will also be included.
This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday. Many Asian pop stars will
Beijing Music Awards
Sunshine TV 8 p.m.—10 p.m.
史末杖摔便式寨沙辆谈匪榆释朋娃处哇昆疗证玛颐焚商署阂中蚀倔捞屿计9A unit6 Reading9A unit6 Reading
attend. About 300,000 fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos, and the results will be announce