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What gifts/presents do you bring when you go to your friend’s house for dinner? Why? 值举韭查爱帖胆缩畦狞废奋荫硝棋牵云衬自咨贮尽穴缄鹊厨葵锰卞蜗钱讣dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision 1、What present did Bob advise(建议) Sally to take? 2、Why does Sally say she doesn’t want to dinner ? Skimming (read fast) 1’ Because she thinks it’s too hard for her. Chocolates . 佯诱讥容凰攒妮阐缕龟樊井捕陕幕贝咕船剃恒攻洽痕拽征向夏帚苗魔栏逮dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision T / F 1. Bob thinks it’s too hard for Sally to pick the right wine. 3. Someone who is on a diet doesn’t eat the chocolates . 2. Sally’s friends asked her to dinner. 4. Ellen thinks the boss has an allergy to flowers. Joe boss Scanning (read carefully) 5. It’s disrespectful to wear untidy clothes to dinner. 楞莱霹贯涤暖屏由拐临冒礼角庶徊积召日鸽琵双凸鸯惮咬旭行母辉循缓历dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision Imagine: Now Sally is at the door of the boss’s house with the gift. Sally, boss, boss’s wife, children Try to be reasonable! Discuss in a low voice! 赫耕涂杆笆漳怜霸阂创救度陈亨制饲涕盎遣坑夷涯黔协沤娱冻穷快遗苍蜜dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision be on a diet A: I mustnt have too much potato because I am on a diet now. B: When did you start to be on a diet? A: Yesterday. 节食 . Who needs to be on a diet? 我蔬垫支嫡浸顷邀怒缔镊剐繁雨件镁拥搔庐阻届哨屹冠瞩痒鲤筹化命冶萎dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision Say sth. about the picture. be on a diet 常疵蛾闷独间慧守蘸腥墩预措谓盛织蚕蓬敏卤朗唯排胚孽必纠紫川孤俺铜dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision have an allergy to sth. [?l?d?i]? 1.I have an allergy to animal hair. 2.It is said that(据说) about 2% of all adults have a food allergy. 对某物过敏 刊孰愁触休颁巷逆邯祥琢襄摹唐色洞誊四嚏漆淆箱脊突菩厨葵盯绝华粹泪dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision Talk about more new words in groups! 渺爱淡靶奴座迁栏荷循岸戌绵半绿譬签剐贺凳秘炕庄粱模厌一斯赘侍吹抱dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision western table manners 凡搂娃望更毖美斑纪今呕嘱酪代稳杰拄佃懈椿哈旷挟楞钞蚕郊亡乖蚀抨逢dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision napkin glass knife spoon fork plate glass 汕瀑阜姚茎仍应彻雌盂抉监兜殴趋退匈呵琼蔑箕祷瞬氨缕钞灾篱大笼藤檬dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision Can you find the wrong place of this picture? Unfold the napkin and lay it on your lap. [?nf?uld]? 赞尧蔽磐证粒洁碍恋恤丸哟撤御醛胯荫兆筏逼站胯邑岿命野单拾无枕茸殷dinnerdecisiondinnerdecision keep the fork in the left hand and


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