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Task 乍捞尧转恭讨术愉疑沂流蔚条寐赢价意垦又觉囤炎铜铰赣纶互疲汲望泡供task1task1 invite me to a fine warm day two hours by bus a little boring can’t wait to the whole world places of interest the model Eiffel Tower the song and dance shows learn about different cultures enjoy myself be far away a lot of traffic arrive at get off from all over the world be made of steel as great as an amazing day on the Internet 獭启层宿唇键厄吹篷饼罩铺变韵橱囱眼既暑卤端播醒艾苦寅指拳联伊铣撇task1task1 the World Park Where to go October 10th by bus visit the models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world When to go how to go What to do there A big day out 膨绷纱炸壬辕例揉汕柜甭矣练亏靴枉茄怎坐鉴纽贰恋逃域窗江貌滋悠孝拐task1task1 the Great Wall climb the Great Wall zxxk 颅胞琳远革鲍猩蟹眉护沪狭歼骂异介荫哀娃煮函铜譬硕第链瑟涨距砷椽厩task1task1 the Summer Palace travel around the garden and go boating 暮狐犁念饺袭嫁味值烁粳磋再苔安委侠山唁衅促佣缄斥郧畜阔蹦迪表笔挟task1task1 Tian’anmen Square the biggest city square in the world 缝翟漆柒框形醚恃剃辞卑抛氨滓肢奎芋摇咎漆窗偏廉慎亮散嘲耽褐排獭突task1task1 visit the museum and see the treasures The Palace Museum 蔑芹赊捣干惑壬雕脓篡旅愉婉挽园转梁荣脾弘盖限夜李玲逸元鞋烛译岳鸡task1task1 visit the garden and row boats Beihai Park 脸量杏佳暇力嵌椅流糠祭妨孪梳低域冲膏楔磅纠沿淑棋芭君支瞳砖铱榆究task1task1 go shopping / do some shopping Wangfujing Street zx,xk 勒逐氨事晕引觅殊征疏歹寓砖隋羔版忠东香田獭惩歌扰帘窥众秆墅仰涅刀task1task1 Linda is going back to the USA soon, so Kitty and Daniel are inviting their classmates to go on a trip with Linda. They are planning a big day out now. Read their plan and fill in the form. 麦渍浆权亮论婪碎射臣础匪宁账流呜俊曝泣琢晰丹肤盘伶洁势劳艘沉钒梢task1task1 Time Place Activity 7.30 a.m. Sunshine Underground Station Meet everyone Take the _____________ See the city square in the world ______to The Palace Museum. the museum ______ to Beihai Park 8.30 a.m. --- 9.00a.m. underground biggest visit 12.30. walk walk 9.30 a.m. --- p.m. the Palace Museum Tian’anmen Square 乳谅巾侗嚎捎丁材困诌佐毙巾右尼稍唆妄钾婿椎动柜溢烟瞳讽兽枉耙攒首task1task1 Time Place Activity 1.30 a.m. — 4.30 p.m. _


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