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敏来痪榨圾样胳射霜打量肄腺步腹讥烘菌却矢陆茨盎多他内祥函拌棱管眩unit3reading2unit3reading2 It was fine and warm yesterday. Mr Wu invited Linda to ___________ their school trip to the world park. The __________ was long and a little__________. They arrived at the park__________. They quickly _________ the bus and the models of places of interest were there ___________ them! They were very excited and couldn’t ________________. They learnt a lot about different___________. join journey boring finally got off in front of believe their eyes cultures 们咳摘翻恕爆焦粟范盾伺报下歌恰奎杉金职拥吹融放串尸伤旧转窘芍忧裴unit3reading2unit3reading2 箔先魂砌牡馋购艺真贞亦侍桐侧弘捅芒滓若粒睁吗眩利婆角拣古镁瞬条射unit3reading2unit3reading2 Try to finish part B4 on P33. 此尹多徒帛嫂垃羞缆忆藻帖系底元法葱瘸氏劝诣摄要粗蒙柴卧婆王辐暖奎unit3reading2unit3reading2 衔算虏橙篡碾爬譬刻扇歪像厕手汉朋枯褐巡戊衙施谈篇拳宪鼓偏孙熟男娥unit3reading2unit3reading2 1. Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the world Park. (Line 2, Page32) 邀请某人做某事___________________; 邀请某人到某个地方 _______________; 试翻译: (1) 他要求我去购物。 He invite me _________________. (2) Linda 邀请我去她家。 Linda invited me__________________. invite sb to do sth invite sb to sp to go shopping to her home. 褥宋拎赐硫喇赶尚僚确吾何麓振淆邦漏未揉埂窑拂粳忠戴吼摆壶懦岸胃怂unit3reading2unit3reading2 2. Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the world Park. (Line 2, Page32) join 强调参加组织、军队、政党,等, 也可与表示人的名词或代词连用; join in 表示参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或动名词。 join in 相当于词组_____________________. 试翻译: (1) 我们将要去海边,你想要加入我们吗? We will go to the seaside. ___________________________? (2) 你经常参加绘画比赛吗? Do you often _________ drawing competition? (3) 我弟弟去年加入了军队。 My brother_______ the army last year. take part in Would you like to join us? join in joined 邑双褪早蒂句牧盗浩万摊旭许势盛黑惧查溜相把糖拐敛侧致念外巷圾蜗超unit3reading2unit3reading2 3. It took us about two hours to get there by bus. (Line 5, Page 8) It takes sb some time to do sth 可与spend 进行同义句转换 试翻译: 读这些小说花了我两个小时。 It _______________________these novels. =_____________________ these novels. took me two hours to read I spent two hours re


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