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八年级英语期末复习——8A Unit 7 Important phrases and sentences: Welcome to the unit 1.bring sb sth / bring sth to sb把某物带给某人 bring me my clothes 把我的衣服拿来 2.I bet you’ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on.我打赌你什么都不穿会看起来酷而且觉得凉快(betted) 3.It’s the best time to play football outside. 这是在外面踢足球最好的时候 Reading 4.A be full of B = A be filled with B A充满B、A里全是B;A被B填满 5.forget to grow忘记生长 forget /remember to do sth 忘记/记得要做某事(未做) forget/remember doing sth 忘记/记得做过某事(已做) fly far away飞往远方—flew) The birds fly far away to find a warm and sunny day. 为了找到温暖而晴朗的日子,鸟儿飞向远方 play among flowers在花丛中嬉戏 hide from the April showers躲避四月的阵雨 sweet memories of summer days夏日甜蜜的回忆 what a perfect time to fly a kite ! 真是放风筝的好时节 lazy afternoon慵懒的下午 by a pool 在池塘边 autumn leaves( leaf) 秋天的落叶 turn brown/ red变成褐色 /红色 fall into piles upon the ground落地成堆—fell) fall on the ground落在地上 harvest crops收割庄稼and the temperature drops.(a little/a lot/much) 随着白天更短,气温下降,农民们忙着收获庄稼。 18.the snowy season下雪的季节 once again再度,又一次 rhyme with…与…押韵 Most of them fly away to a warm and windy place. 他们中的大多数飞到温暖的有风的地方 How do people feel on a hot summer afternoon? 在一个炎热的夏日下午人们感觉如何? The leaves turn green and the temperature rises quickly. 树叶变绿,温度迅速上升 In winter, white snow covers the whole earth. 在冬天,白雪覆盖了整个地球/地面。 A windy day is perfect for flying a kite. 有风的日子是最适合放风筝 have sweet memories of summer days 有夏日甜蜜的回忆 play by quiet streams or under the shade of trees 在安静的小溪边或树荫下玩耍 Farmer are busy harvesting crops. 农民正忙于收割庄稼 be busy doing sth. = be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 Hobo built Eddie a tent with sticks at the beach yesterday. =Hobo built a tent for Eddie with sticks at 31.the beach yesterday.昨天 Hobo用棍子在沙滩为Eddie搭了帐篷。 31.Mum was making breakfast for me when I woke up this morning. 今天早上当我醒来妈妈正在给我做早饭。 32.The clouds became dark. 天变得乌云密布 33.Luckily, it didn’t rain. / Unluckily, it rained heavily.幸运的是天没下雨/不幸的是,天下大雨了 34.from morning till night 从早到晚 35.kick the ball / the can 踢球 / 踢易拉罐 I saw some kids kicking the ball in the park. 我看见一些孩子正在公园踢球


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