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毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题  目:   网络团购的发展现状与问题探究        一、外文原文 标题:Segmenting uncertain demand in group-buying auctions 原文:Demand uncertainty is a key factor in a seller’s decision-making process for products sold through online auctions. We explore demand uncertainty in group-buying auctions in terms of the extent of low-valuation demand and high-valuation demand. We focus on the analysis of a monopolistic group-buying retailer that sells products to consumers who express different product valuations. We also examine the performance of a group-buying seller who faces competitive posted-price sellers in a market for the sale of the same products, under similar assumptions about uncertain demand. Based on a Nash equilibrium analysis of bidder strategies for both of these seller-side competition structures, we are able to characterize the groupbuying auction bidders’ dominant strategies. We obtained a number of interesting findings. Group-buying is likely to be more effective in settings where there is larger low-valuation demand than high-valuation demand. The structure of demand matters. This finding has relevance to the marketplace for new cameras, next-generation microprocessors and computers, and other high-valuation goods, which are unlikely to be as effectively sold in group-buying markets. We obtained additional results for the case of continuous demand, and find that there is a basis for the seller to improve revenues via effective group-buying auction price curve design. Keywords: Consumer behavior, bidding strategy, demand uncertainty, economic analysis, electronic markets, group-buying auctions, market mechanism, posted-price mechanism, simulation, uncertainty risk. The development of advanced IT makes it possible to use novel business models to handle business problems in new and innovative ways. With the growth of the Internet, a number of new electronic auction mechanisms have emerged, and auctions are generally known to create higher expected seller revenue


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