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Build up a database with large sample size( large than 50). Check its normality. To estimate normal range of 95%, and 95% CI of population mean. 正态分布评估 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 饮料的销售量 N 50 Normal Parametersa Mean 75.96 Std. Deviation 11.604 Most Extreme Differences Absolute .076 Positive .074 Negative -.076 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .536 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .936 a. Test distribution is Normal. Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent 饮料的销售量 * 销售网点编号 50 62.5% 30 37.5% 80 100.0% 均值 Report 饮料的销售量 销售网点编号 Mean N Std. Deviation 1 46.00 1 . 2 57.00 1 . 3 62.00 1 . 4 63.00 1 . 5 64.00 1 . 6 66.00 1 . 7 67.00 1 . 8 69.00 1 . 9 72.00 1 . 10 73.00 1 . 11 73.00 1 . 12 74.00 1 . 13 76.00 1 . 14 77.00 1 . 15 78.00 1 . 16 78.00 1 . 17 78.00 1 . 18 79.00 1 . 19 79.00 1 . 20 81.00 1 . 21 81.00 1 . 22 82.00 1 . 23 83.00 1 . 24 84.00 1 . 25 84.00 1 . 26 84.00 1 . 27 85.00 1 . 28 85.00 1 . 29 86.00 1 . 30 87.00 1 . 31 88.00 1 . 32 88.00 1 . 33 89.00 1 . 34 89.00 1 . 35 90.00 1 . 36 92.00 1 . 37 94.00 1 . 38 96.00 1 . 39 99.00 1 . 40 53.00 1 . 41 62.00 1 . 42 63.00 1 . 43 64.00 1 . 44 66.00 1 . 45 66.00 1 . 46 67.00 1 . 47 68.00 1 . 48 68.00 1 . 49 71.00 1 . 50 72.00 1 . Total 75.96 50 11.604 置信区间 Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent 饮料的销售量 50 62.5% 30 37.5% 80 100.0% Descriptives Statistic Std. Error 饮料的销售量 Mean 75.96 1.641 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 72.66 Upper Bound 79.26 5% Trimmed Mean 76.19 Median 77.50 Variance 134.651 Std. Deviation 11.604 Minimum 46 Maximum 99 Range 53 Interquartile Range 18 Skewness -.242 .337 Kurtosis -.330 .662 Build up your own database (or use data from text book). Requirements: 3 database, one sample, two samples, paired-design sample. Notes: define variable, data type, sample size 20. 单样本t分布检验


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