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24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 31种雅思口语高分 必背公式 由EQ英语研发,外研社出版 24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 雅思口语高分公式使用说明 雅思口语高分公式 EQ英语雅思专家,分析雅思考 试,将雅思口语考题的问题类 型,归纳总结出一整套雅思口 语高分公式!公式由答题思路 和高分语言点组成,分别教会 考生回答雅思问题时知道说什 么和如何说,是雅思口语高分 的保障。 应用举例 通过应用举例,反映至相对应的 雅思口语高分公式,帮助学生更 好的理解应用公式。 答题思路 每一种雅思口语高分公式都有相对应的答题 思路,帮助雅思考生解决在口语考试中不知 道说什么的问题,使考生通过清晰地答题思 路知道说什么! 高分语言点 考生通过答题思路知道说什么后,高分语 言点教授如何说,帮助考生获得雅思口语 高分。 由于本文档空间有限,高分语言点请参考 EQ英语雅思口语课程或《31种雅思口语高 分必背公式》 24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 雅思口语Part 1“20公式” 1. What do you usually / normally do X? 2. What do you like about X? 3. What dont you like about X? 4. Do you prefer X to Y? 5. How often do you do X? 6. What do you like most about X? 7. Is X popular in your country? 8. What is the best time of year to do X? 9. Why do some people like X? 10. When was the first / last time you did X? 11. Did you ever learn to do X? 12. How has X changed in recent years? 13. How would you improve X? 14. How important is X? 15. What do you hope to do X (in the future)? 16. Do people do enough X? 17. How can people find out about X? 18. Should people be given X? 19. Is it difficult to do X? 20. Is X suitable for X (types of people)? 24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 Questions: What To SAY? - State which one do you prefer - Compare the two things - Give reasons and examples to explain why Do you prefer ____ or ____ ? 1. Do you prefer talking on the phone or chatting online? 2. Do you prefer to travel by bike or on foot? 3. Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails? 24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 1.What do you normally do in a typical day? 2.What is your usual daily routine? 3.Do you do the same things at the same times every day? Questions: What do you do__ ? usually normally What To SAY? - Say what you do at the time the examiner asks you about - Say how often do you do these things 24小时雅思咨询电话: 400-887-1020 Questions: What To SAY? - Identify a couple of things you like doing. - Describe why you like them. What do you like to do (in your spare time)


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