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DGM**-5 30 Design ISO4401 Size 05; ANSI/B93.7M-D05 EATON DGM**-5 30 Design E-VLST-BB002-E April 2015N-2 N SystemStak? Valves ISO4401 Size 05 General Description Eaton SystemStakTM valves make compact hydraulic systems in which modular valves are “sandwich” mounted between a directional valve and a standard mounting surface. Compact design improves system response by elimination of external fluid conductors, thereby resulting in elimination of resonant sounds which are noisy and lead to leakage. The design of these valves is well proven and offers opportunities for achieving small control assemblies, especially when the valves are used with multi-station manifolds. Mounting surface is available for interfacing with directional valves and is coded “5” in the model numbers of Eaton SystemStak valves. The “5 interface accepts Eaton DG4S4 directional valves and other directional valves with a standard ISO 4401-05, NFPA-D05, ANSI/B93.7M size D05 or CETOP-5 port pattern. Each valve “stak” can be configured to provide the specific combination of functions required to meet the system’s needs. SystemStak valves are divided into two groups: 1. Valves acting in the pressure and/or tank lines (“P” and/or “T”) DGMC Relief valve DGMDC Direct check DGMFN Flow control DGMR1 Sequence valve DGMX2 Pressure reducing The general rule for this group is that the DGMC relief valve be placed nearest the subplate or manifold. The DGMDC direct check valve should be placed nearest the directional control valve. The DGMR1 sequence valve should be the farthest valve from the directional valve. The DGMR1 must be mounted directly to a subplate or manifold with a drain port, to externally drain the DGMR1 at the mounting face. 2. Valves acting in the service lines (“A” and/or “B”) DGMC Relief valve DGMC2 Dual relief valve DGMDC Direct check DGMPC Pilot operated check DGMFN Flow control DGMR Counterbalance The general rule for this group is that the DGMC system relief valve


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