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模块一unit2词汇练习 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. No one can avoid___________________(惩罚)if they do something against the law. 2. Children are _______________ (禁止)from going swimming alone in the river. 3. The teacher gave a clear ______________(解释)on the use of the word. 4. I have brought these books, as I think they might _______________ (使感兴趣) you. 5. A machine used for _____________ (检测) organic food will arrive tomorrow. 6. The computer system has broken down, but I don’t think it is my ____________ (过错). 7. In all the supermarkets you can pay either in ____________(现金)or by credit. 8. You are not _______________(应该)to smoke in the office. 9. The football fans went ____________(疯狂)when their team scored the first goal. 10. We are quite surprised at that man’s strange _______________(行为). Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. 参加婚礼的人数比预期的多。 The number of people who came to attend the wedding was larger _____________________. 2. 我们跟在老师后面走进实验室。 We entered the lab, __________________________________________ . 3. 他们关着门,围坐在桌子四周。 They sat together around the table, _________________________ . 4. 乏味的讲座让我们每个人都感到厌烦。 The ___________ lecture made every one of us _____________ . 5. 你本不应该责怪她,毕竟她还是个孩子。 You shouldn’t have blamed her. ___________________she is just a child. 6. 他坚持要熬夜完成这项任务而不愿推迟到明天。 He ________________staying up late to finish the task rather than put it off till the next day. 7. 这男孩做了好事,值得表扬。 The boy did a good deed and __________________________________ . 8. 她不时地看手表,好像在等什么人。 She looked at her watch now and then _________________ (she was) waiting for someone Ⅲ. 单项填空 1.Tony stood up and accepted the prize, _____ and happy. [2010镇江模拟] A. surprising B. surprised   C. being surprising D. to be surprised 2._____opening ceremony of the 11th Ji’nan National Games really gave the Chinese _____ big surprise. A. The; a B. The; the C. 不填; a D. 不填; the 3.The colors on the national flags can be _____ differently in different culture, but they have one thing in common,


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