M3U3 wordlist.ppt

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M3U3 wordlist

Module 3 Unit 3 New words civilization n.c/u a state of human society that is very developed and organized lost civilization civilize v. 使开化,教化 The girls in a class tend to have a civilizing influence on the boys. civilized: adj.文明的,开化的;有教养的,有礼貌的 the civilized world take over 1)take control of… succeed to (继承, 继任) the management or ownership of… 接管,接受,接任 2) carry from one place to another 格林先生退休后,他儿子接管了他的生意. When Mr Green retired, his son took over the business from him.=Mr Green handed over his business to his son. The new principal took over yesterday. White 先生用他的船载我到岛上. Mr. White took me over to the island in his boat. 相关短语 take off 脱掉…;起飞;(事业的)飞黄腾达 take in 吸入(空气等)把(衣服)缩小 take up拿起,占(时、地);开始(工作等) take sth for sth 把…当… take on雇佣;承担;呈现 To keep healthy, Professor Johnson _______ cycling as regular form of exercise after he retired.? A. took up???? B. caught on????? C. carried on??? D. made for? A pour [p?:] (poured, poured) vt. 1) cause to run倒,灌,注 2) supply in large amounts or quantities 倾注;大量投入;大量生产 3) 倾吐,诉说 pour sth to sb 向某人倾述某事 pour sth out 尽情表达出来;把--倒出来 She poured herself another cup of tea. 他们已经把大笔钱投入了旅游业。 They have poured money into the tourist industry. She often pours her troubles to friends. 他们也想倾吐自己的苦水。 They also wanted to pour out their own bitterness. vi. 1) move in large numbers倾泻,涌流 2) rain heavily (雨)倾盆而降 The crowd poured out of the concert hall. Bring your raincoat; it’s pouring outside. destroy: vt. to tear down or apart; ruin 毁坏, 破坏 The enemy destroyed the city. 他毁了我的生活和所有希望. He has destroyed my life and all my hopes. destruction n. The army left the enemy town in complete destruction. Pride was her destruction, for it caused the loss of all her friends. ruin n. 1 (u) (the cause, state, or event of) destruction and decay 祸根 2 (c) a ruined building(常用复数) Drink was your father’s ruin and it will be the ruin of you too. the ruins of ancient Rome vt. to destroy and spoil (comp


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