On the operator space UMD property for noncommutative Lp-spaces.pdf

On the operator space UMD property for noncommutative Lp-spaces.pdf

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On the operator space UMD property for noncommutative Lp-spaces

a r X i v : m a t h / 0 5 0 1 0 3 3 v 1 [ m a t h .O A ] 3 J a n 2 0 0 5 ON THE OPERATOR SPACE UMD PROPERTY FOR NONCOMMUTATIVE Lp -SPACES MAGDALENA MUSAT Abstract. We study the operator space UMD property, introduced by Pisier in the context of noncommutative vector-valued Lp-spaces. It is unknown whether the property is independent of p in this setting. We prove that for 1 p, q ∞ , the Schatten q-classes Sq are OUMDp . The proof relies on properties of the Haagerup tensor product and complex interpolation. Using ultraproduct techniques, we extend this result to a large class of noncommutative Lq-spaces. Namely, we show that if M is a QWEP von Neumann algebra (i.e., a quotient of a C?-algebra with Lance’s weak expectation property) equipped with a normal, faithful tracial state τ , then Lq(M, τ ) is OUMDp for 1 p, q ∞ . 1. Introduction Probabilistic techniques are well-established powerful tools in the study of Fourier analysis of vector-valued functions. In particular, Banach spaces having the UMD property, that is, the property of unconditionality for martingale differences play an important role. Deep connections with the boundedness of certain singular integral operators, such as the Hilbert transform, were established through the work of Burkholder, McConnell and Bourgain. Namely, Burkholder and McConnell [9] proved that if a Banach space B is UMD , then the Hilbert transform is a bounded operator on the vector-valued Lebesgue space Lp([0, 1];B) , for 1 p ∞ . Later, Bourgain [5] showed that, conversely, the boundedness of the Hilbert transform on Lp([0, 1];B) (1 p ∞) implies that B is UMD . Recall that the Banach space B is UMD if, for 1 p ∞ , there exists a constant βp 0 such that∥∥∥∥∥ k∑ n=1 εndxn ∥∥∥∥∥ Lp([0,1];B) ≤ βp ∥∥∥∥∥ k∑ n=1 dxn ∥∥∥∥∥ Lp([0,1];B) , for all positive integers k , all sequences ε = (εn) k n=1 of numbers in {?1, 1} and all B-valued martingale difference sequences dx = (dxn) k n=1 . Equivalently, for all sequences ε as a


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