牛津英语高三模块十 unit4 Reading 1教案.doc

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牛津英语高三模块十 unit4 Reading 1教案

Reading 1 Thoughts on the design: 承接Welcome部分内容,Reading部分继续针对到国外学习所需做的准备以及大学生活内容展开。 After learning the reading, the students will be able to: 1. gain some information about living and studying at a university in Canada; 2. better understand the tone and style in the text; 3. practice and reinforce their reading comprehension and improve their overall ability. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in 1. Show students some pictures of university life of my friend who is studying in Australia. 2. Ask students a question: Have you thought of studying abroad? [Explanation] 借助于教师的一位朋友在澳大利亚学习期间的一些真实图片,展现国外大学的学习生活实景。通过展示,一方面学生会有新鲜感;另一方面也激起他们对大学生活的向往,同时为第二个问题的讨论作好铺垫。 Step 2 Fast reading 1. Ask students to read the text quickly and answer the following questions: (1) How long has Qin Xiaoyong been at university? More than one year. (2) What course did he play at university? Psychology. (3) What sport did his Canadian friends introduce him to? Baseball. Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. Para1 Introduction himself and his topic Para2 His college life in Canada Para3 Para4-5 Advice to readers Para6 Para7-8 Preparations before leaving Para9-10 Adjustments in his life [Explanation] 快速阅读使学生获得人物时间地点事件等信息。’s the intention of Qin’s writing? To give the readers a quick review of what to expect from university life either in China or abroad. 2. Read para2 and answer the questions: What do you need to do to prepare for university? Decide which university to apply to, what course to study and which permits you need. 3. Read para3-6 to find out what adjustments have been made to get used to the university life: (1) Being away from his family (2) Getting used to Canadian food Adjustments (3) Learning to cook (4) Doing laundry (5) Putting money 4. Read para7-10 and finish the following true or false questions: (1) My room was big with no b


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