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论主持人语言与受众心理摘要当前时代,各种类型的节目正在新疆电视台火热播放,因而主持人的语言与风格也变得格外引人注目。然而节目主持人的自身素质良莠不齐,而且并非都是广播专业毕业出身。所以专业知识和职业素养的掌握程度,也变得并不相同。然而,广播节目的自身水平和主持人的自身水平是密切相关的,因此主持人的语言与风格,从某种意义上来讲,将会决定一档节目的收视率及节目质量。当前国内的社会经济在不断发展,人们的物质和精神文化水平在不断提高。广播节目的质量要求问题,也变得异常严峻。因此,节目主持人必须要不断学习相关的专业知识,努力提高自身的语言化主持风格。避免向低俗雷同化的错误防线发展,这对于主持人自身、及电视节目的质量保持,都是具有重要意义的。本文站在系统全面的角度,对此展开一一科学的分析研究。关键词:主持人;节目;电视台;主持人语言 On the host language and audience psychologyAbstractThe current era, due to the current hot talent show, radio show host is not a lot of majors in college, but through the draft, or due to other strengths to enter the auspices of industries. Due to lack of expertise and professionalism, it is prone to abuse the right to speak of behavior, affect the level of the broadcast program. Has between style and content host intrinsically linked inextricably linked, if out of the theme, subject matter and any pursuit, concocted a clock style, the style is inevitably artificial, and aesthetic needs of people in their lives are not in the form adaptation.With the social and economic development, peoples material culture and spiritual culture continued to improve, listeners of radio programs have become increasingly demanding, how to use personalized style chair grab the listeners ears, to impress the audience to become improve an important way radio ratings. This requires presenters to strengthen personalized hosting style culture. Many current problems show host hosting style to attract public attention in the wrong direction. Thus seriously affecting the quality of the presenters. This text stands systematic and comprehensive point of view, have launched one analysis study science.Keywords: host; programs; Television; hostlanguage目 录1主持人语言概述……………………………………………………1 1.1主持人语言的定义……………………………………………1 1.2主持人语言的基本类型………………………………………1 1.3主持人语言的标准及特点……………………………………2 2电视(广播)受众的心理特征分析………………………………2 2.1电视节目受众心理的自主选择性……………………………22.2电视播音受众心理的多样性…………………………………3 2.3电视播音受众心理的参与性…………………………………33 主持人语言对受众心理的作用……………………………………3


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