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Let’s enjoy! (Period 1) 海安县开发区实验小学 葛智蓉 Let’s play! If you see a word, read it quickly. 如果你看到了一个单词,请把它快速读出来。 If you see a tiger, shout Ahh! 如果你看到了一只老虎,请大叫Ahh。 Rules (规则) Let’s play! jacket T-shirt pen cap sweet pencil ball skirt Let’s guess! Let’s guess! Is this a…? Let’s guess! b c Is that a…? r 每个字母都代表一样东西哦! Let’s learn! Is that …? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 是,它是。 否定回答: No, it isn’t. 不,它不是。 Is this …? 让我们来区分this和that吧。 this 这,这个,指:近处 that 那,那个,指:远处 这个是。。。吗? 那个是。。。吗? Let’s guess! p egg e n pen cil pencil case 每个头像下是一个文具哦。 Watch the cartoon! pencil What’s the story about?故事讲了什么? A: The pencil is lost.(丢失) B: The pencil is broken.(弄坏) C: The pencil is stolen.(偷掉) Watch and choose! 要注意读出故事中人物的心情, 也可加上一些动作哦! This isn’t my pencil. What’s the story about? 这不是我的铅笔。 Listen and underline! Find the sentence and underline. (在文中找到适当的句子并用线划起来。) Is this Mike’s pencil? Is that Mike’s pencil? Is this your pencil? No, it isn’t. 你的 Is that your pencil? No, it isn’t. that Let’s learn! Oh, that’s my pencil. 那是 Find the sentence and read aloud. (在文中找到适当的句子并尝试大声读出来。) Is that Mike’s pencil? Is that a pencil? Yes, it is. It’s a pencil. Let’s learn! ‵ ‵ Listen and repeat! This isn’t my pencil. Is this your pencil? No, it isn’t. Oh, that’s my pencil. Is that your pencil? No, it isn’t. Is that a pencil? Yes, it is. It’s a pencil. 一起读一读,注意语气, 尝试加点动作哦! Fun time! A B C D E A E C D B 小朋友们,你们能帮着排顺序吗? What did they say?试着说说他们都说了些什么? Let’s help! Please take good care of our things! 请妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品! 你的同学找不到他的文具用品了,让我们一起来帮帮他吧! Is this/ that your…? No, it isn’t. Yes, it is. Thank you. Using these sentences Homework! 1.Copy the new words (抄写新单词) 2.Read Story time after the tape (跟录音朗读课文) * *


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