The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms 英语毕业论文.doc

The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms 英语毕业论文.doc

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The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms I. Introduction An idiom is a number of words, which, taken together, mean something different from the individual words of the idiom when they stand alone. Idioms here that are referred to are set phrases including colloquialisms, sayings, proverbs and slang expressions. Both English and Chinese are expressive languages, which are very rich in idiomatic expressions. Different characteristics and different history background give color to most idiomatic expressions. Some idioms have evident meanings and we can understand them literally. Some idioms have implicit meanings, which often require reader’s imagination. Some idioms use allusions, of which we must understand the background before we can get the right idea. And the ways in which the words are put together to form idioms are often odd, illogical and even grammatically incorrect. These special features of idioms make it difficult for us to translate them. When we translate the idioms, we should keep the rules of translation, one of which is“faithfulness”. On the one hand, we should express the meanings clearly and correctly. On the other hand, we should try our best to preserve their forms and figures of speech, such as euphony, antithesis, rhyme, etc. Whether a translation text is good or bad has much to do with the quality of idioms translation in it. II. The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms 2.1 The similarities between Chinese and English idioms Since many idiomatic phrases come from people’s daily life, Chinese and English idioms have some similarities. 2.1.1 The ancestors of these two nations held the conception that“heart”was the center of soul, thinking and feeling. This gives rise to many“heart”idioms. To set one’s heart at rest 放心 To pluck up one’s heart 鼓起勇气 What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. 言为心声 心旷神怡 Carefree and joyous 心甘情愿 To be most willing to 心乱如麻 To have one’s mind as confused as a tangled



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