How to Improve Senior Middle School Students’ Ability of Listening 如何提高高中生的听力能力.doc

How to Improve Senior Middle School Students’ Ability of Listening 如何提高高中生的听力能力.doc

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毕业论文 如何提高高中生的听力能力 How to Improve Senior Middle School Students’ Ability of Listening 专业名称:英语 论文作者:** 指导老师:** 论文类型:教法类 论文主题:听力能力 阻碍因素 应对策略 完成日期: 如何提高高中生的听力能力 摘 要 文章旨在说明,高中生听力方面存在的问题,分析其原因。其中既有考试制度的原因,也有教学方法的原因。教师应该采用行之有效的教学方法去提高学生的听力能力,从而全面提高中学英语教学质量。 关键词: 听力能力 阻碍因素 应对策略 How to Improve Senior Middle School Students’ Ability of Listening Abstract This paper implies that the problems in Senior Middle School student’s listening, analyzing the causes of it. This is caused by the examination system, by the teaching method. Teachers should adopt effective teaching methods to improve students’ listening ability, and to improve the quality of whole English teaching of Middle School. Key Words: listening ability obstacle factors solving tactics Outline I. Introduction II. Analyzing Why Listening is Difficult A. The Difficulty in Language 1. The Difficulty in Phonetics 2. The Difficulty in Vocabulary 3. The Difficulty in Grammar 4. The Difficulty in General Understanding B. The Lack in Background Knowledge C. The Obstacle in Psychology III. The Ways of Improve the Students Listening Skill A. On the Aspect of Listening Exercise 1. Distinguishing Sound Method 2. Intensive and Extensive Listening Comprehension Method B. On the Aspect of Vocabulary Teaching C. On the Aspect of Grammar Teaching D. On the Aspect of Guiding American and British Culture E. On the Aspect of Eliminating Psychological Obstacle F. On the Aspect of Creating Language Environment IV. Offering Some Listening Tips V. Conclusion I. Introduction The purpose of Middle school English teaching is to improve the students’ four skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing, with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar. And finally achieve the final purpose which is to enable students to use language. Teachers often speak of the four skills? Listening, reading, speaking and writing. It means that each of them is important. One can not say that he has mastere



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