A Pragmatic Approach to Diplomatic Euphemisms 外交事务中委婉语的语用功能.doc

A Pragmatic Approach to Diplomatic Euphemisms 外交事务中委婉语的语用功能.doc

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2011届毕业论文 外交事务中委婉语的语用功能 A Pragmatic Approach to Diplomatic Euphemisms 院 部 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师 完成时间:2011年6月 Acknowledgements My first genuine thanks must be given to my supervisor, for her encouragement, supervision, illuminating guidance and constructive suggestions at various stages of the development of the thesis. First of all, she introduced me into the field of pragmatics; the courses she offered and the academic experience she imparted have enlarged my horizon and have imbued me with initiative and creativity. Moreover, she made language corrections, gave precious suggestions and refined some ideas in my paper. Without her supervising and urging, this thesis would never have come to the present form. I would also like to express my gratitude to all my respectable teachers in the School of Foreign Language, to whom I owe much of my knowledge in the English language, linguistics, literature and translation theories during four-year graduate study. Their earnest teaching and enlightening have benefited me a lot. Without their invaluable lectures during the past four years, the completion of this thesis would have been unimaginable. Contents Abstract(English) I Abstract(Chinese) II I. Introduction 1 II. Brief introduction of diplomatic euphemism 2 2.1. Euphemism 2 2.2. Diplomatic euphemism 3 III. Cooperative principle 5 3.1. The maxim of quantity 6 3.2. The maxim of quality 7 3.3. The maxim of relation 7 3.4. The maxim of manner 7 IV. Pragmatic functions of diplomatic euphemisms 8 4.1. The function of showing politeness 14 4.2. The function of creating a harmonious environment 14 4.3. The function of being self-explanatory and self-protection 15 4.4. The function of leaving room 15 Ⅴ. Conclusion 18 Bibliography 20 A Pragmatic Approach to Diplomatic Euphemisms Abstract Euphemism plays an indispensable part in our social life, which aids to achieve successful socia


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