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知识点梳理 (一)词汇: 1. 数词:21-101??注意:A. forty; eighty;?B. 读音: ~teen 与 ~ty 2. 名词:可数名词与不可数名词的划分 3. 词形变换: also (同义词)——?too???????????? each (同义词)??——every kilo (复数)——?kilos???????????? ?watch (复数)?——?watches mouse (复数)——?mice??????????? expensive (同义词)——?dear waiter (对应词)——?waitress?????? ?try (第三人称单数)——?tries sell (反义词)——?buy (二)词语与短语: 1.try on????试穿 2.look nice 看起来很漂亮 3.buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth.给某人买…… 4. sell / buy… for…??以…价出售/ 购买 5.too long太长?? too heavy太重 6.running shoes跑鞋 7.make a shopping list 列购物清单 8.run over to…???跑到…???? 9.two bags of salt??两包盐 two kilos of eggs??两公斤鸡蛋??? six bottles of milk??六瓶牛奶 ?a bag of rice 一袋米 10.pick up购买 11.How many+可数复数名词;How much+不可数名词“多少” ?on the fourth floor??在第四层楼??? 12.Thanks anyway?= Thanks all the same.?仍然感谢。??? 13.Dont worry.???别担心。 (三)功能话题 1.购物用语: 服务员或营业员:?What can I do for you???Can / May / Could I help you? 回答:????Yes, please. Id like (to buy ) …?I want ( to buy ) … Im looking for…??Do you have…? 2.谈论事物:???How do you like…? = What do you think of…? How do you look in this dress? Not bad.?How do the pants fit? Theyre too long. 询问价格: How much is +主语(单数或不可数)???How much are +主语(复数)? How much do you want for something? 3.讨论价格:???How / What about thirty yuan? Thats too expensive.?Its a good price. ?The price is good. 4.表示感谢:?Thanks a lot.?Thanks very much.??Thanks anyway. 回答:??Not at all.??Thats all right.??Youre welcome. 5.请求帮助: Could you do me a favor? = Could you do a favor for me? = Could you help me? 决定与否:?Ill take / have / get / buy it. (四)易错点: 1. some 常用于肯定句;any常用于否定句或疑问句。 ?e.g. I have some friends. ??I dont have any friends.???Do you have any friends? ?some 用于否定句时,希望得到对方肯定回答或征询意见 ?e.g. Would you like some bread? ??Do you want some corn and wheat? 2. try on the dress??try the dress on??try it on? (T) ???try on it (F) 3. a pair of pants / shoes / glasses??an umbrella 4. How much is this pair of shoes?? (T)??How much are this pair of shoes? (F) 题讲解 句型转换 1. I need some water. (改为一般疑问句) _______ you need _______ water? 2. We


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