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Section B 1a-2e 温一贯 张国萍 pop music rock classical music jazz 爵士乐 Kinds of music Music, is like a poem. (诗) Sometimes it makes me laugh. Sometimes it makes me cry. Music, is like a friend. When you are sad, it can cry with you. When you are happy, it can laugh with you. Music, Music, You give me power, (力量) You give me belief.(信念) You teach me to love with heart, You help me open my mind. To give the best of mine, Till the end of the time. ____ The Toms must be popular. ____ The Toms play pop music. ____ The Toms’ music sounds more like rock. ____ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up. D D D A Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion. 1b Band name Country Number of people in the band The Toms The United States Five Listen again and take notes. 1c kind of music Why Alex and Dave like to listen to this band Alex: Dave: Pop music Because it’s loud and full of energy. He feels excited when he listens to their music. Because it will wake him up in the morning and make him happy for the rest of the day. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. How much do you know about it? Have you heard of country music? 乡村音乐(Country music), 又称“乡村与西部音乐” (Country and Western),是 当代音乐的一种风格形式。 其根源可追溯至上世纪20年 代, 起源于美国南部与阿 帕拉契山区,人们公认田纳西州纳什维尔地区是乡村音乐的故乡,并建有专门的乡村音乐博物馆。此音乐风格于70年代在世界各地得以快速普及,受到广大青年的欢迎,并由“乡村音乐”逐步取代了“乡村与西部音乐”的称法。 乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单,多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。 美国著名的乡村歌手包括约翰· 丹佛(John Denver)、肯尼· 罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)、加思· 布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)等。 A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever Predicting (预测) Who: How: What: country music Sarah change…forever Skimming(略读) Read quickly and match the topic of each paragraph. Para1 Para2 Para3 Sarah’s dreams Sarah’s changes Country music Country Music Fact Sheet 简报 Wh


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