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Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us. Section D north east southeast southwest northeast northwest south west fur n. 毛皮,皮子 bone n.骨头,骨质 (pl. bones 骨骼;骨骸) bear n. 熊 v. 承受,负担;忍受;容忍 wolf n. 狼 three wolves Which animal lives only in China? Pandas. What do they feed on? Bamboo. They are the ______________ of the animals. (lovely) the most lovely whale blue whale Where do they live? What do they feed on? Chinese tiger 华南虎 Where do they live? What do they feed on? There are many wild animals in danger. What should we do to protect them? Where do blue whales live? What do they feed on? Where do Chinese tigers live? What do they feed on? They live in the ocean. They feed on the smallest sea animals. They live in the south of China. They feed on small animals. Key points Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. = the southwest of China 中国西南部 They are the oldest type of tigers living in the world. e.g. 你认识正在和我们英语老师谈话的那个男孩吗? Do you know the boy talking to our English teacher? Key points Now they are in danger because some humans kill whales and make the ocean water dirtier. 处于危险状态 Key points pandas ______________________________ blue whales ______________________________ Chinese tigers ______________________________ They have less and less land to live on. Some humans kill them and make the ocean water dirtier. Some people kill them for their fur and bones. Read the passage again and find out why they are in danger. There are many other wild animals in danger, such as bears and wolves. Can you think of some more ? What should we do to protect them ? Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives The pig is stronger than you. …I’m the biggest of all. I think animals are more interesting. I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers.. But, now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller ... Grammar focus (录音1) Useful expressions They give us joy. They can’t live at all without wa


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