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Activity 1 Check the preview environment transport condition return last primary abroad communicate communication exactly n. 环境 n. 交通车辆,运输工具 n. 环境,条件,状况 vi. 返回 adv. 最近,上一次;最后 adj. 小学教育的;初级的 adv. 到(在)国外 v. 交流, 交际 n. 交流,交际 adv. (答语)正是,没错 Activity 1 Check the preview environment transport condition return last primary abroad communicate communication exactly n. 环境 n. 交通车辆,运输工具 n. 环境,条件,状况 vi. 返回 adv. 最近,上一次;最后 adj. 小学教育的;初级的 adv. 到(在)国外 v. 交流, 交际 n. 交流,交际 adv. (答语)正是,没错 Look and say communicate communication primary school transport We haven’t seen each other since then. Where did Becky return from? How long hasn’t Millie seen her? How do they keep in touch with each other? Activity 2 Work in pairs. A: I met my old …. He/She’s just returned from…. B: Oh, really? When did you last see him/her? A: …. He/ She …. We haven’t seen each other since then. B: So how do you keep in touch with each other? A: …. B: Exactly. Becky wants to know about Millie’s school life. Read and answer. 1) How did Millie go to school in the past? 2) How does she go to school now? Changes in Millie’s life When Millie was at primary school, her mother took her to school every day. They walked to school together in the morning. Now, she comes to school by bus on her own. She feels happy because her mother now has more free time to enjoy herself in the morning. And Millie enjoys chatting with her friends after class. She thinks school life now is great. Read and answer 1) How did Millie go to school in the past? 2) How does she go to school now? Great changes have happened to Millie. Great changes have happened not only to people but also in Starlight Town. Activity 3 Changes in Starlight Town Starlight Town In the past Now Starlight Town in the past green (1) _______, clean and fresh (2)______, wild (3)_______ near the lake. 1. Enviro


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