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目录 Content 地理位置 Location 概述 Summery 1. M 空间硬件设施及技术支持 Hardware equipment and technical support 1.1 场地出入口 The entrance of floor 1.2直梯与扶梯 Elevator 1.3 配电 Electric 1.4 场地尺寸 Floor size 1.5 舞台尺寸 Stage size 1.6 观众入口尺寸 The size of audience entrance 1.7 后台房间及配置 Backstage rooms and equipment 1.8 屋顶吊挂系统及承重 Rigging system and equipment 1.9 搭建设备 Setup equipment 1.10篮球计分系统 Basketball scoring system 1.11 隔离 Isolation 2 活动服务 Event service 2.1 引导员 Ushers 2.2 医疗急救 Medical and first aid 2.3 票务 Ticketing 2.4 餐饮 Catering 2.5 停车 Parking 2.6 坐席 Seating area 2.7 安检及安保 Security check and security people 3增值服务 Additional service 3.1 活动管理咨询 Management and consultant of event 3.2 舞台搭建咨询 Consultant of stage setup 3.3 周边酒店推荐 Recommend of hotel nearby 3.4 政府报批咨询 Consultant of government approval 4 可承接活动 Can undertake events type 4.1 2000人以内小型演唱会 Small concerts within 2000 persons 4.2 产品发布展示 Press and exhibition of product 4.3 2000人以内中小型会议 Small and medium meeting within 2000 persons 4.4 时尚活动 Fashionable event 4.5 体育赛事 Sports event 5场地预订联系方式 Contact of booking M空间(原五棵松体育馆训练馆)位亍万事达中 心内,地处北京海淀区复兴路(长安街延长线) 与西四环交叉口,距一号线五棵松地铁站步行仅5 分钟。 场馆周边交通网络纵横,五棵松地铁站位亍场馆 西南侧。沿复兴路、西翠路及西四环都有多个公 交车站。 M空间 地理位置 Location M-Space (Formerly the training hall of Wukesong Arena) is located in the MasterCard center , the intersection of Fuxing Road and the West Fourth Ring Road in the Haidian District of Western Beijing, 5 minutes walking distance from Wukesong subway station. Transportation nodes surround the arena, including the Wukesong Subway Station, which locates at southwest of the arena. Besides, there are still a number of bus stations along Fuxing Road , xicui Road and the West Fourth Ring Road. 概述 Summery 万事达中心(原五棵松体育馆),令人激动的2008年奥运会比赛场所,现在是北京最精彩娱乐活动的全新驻地。 M空间作为万事达中心独立运作的场馆,在建造及运营过程中充分考虑国际及国内艺人、艺术团体、运动员、 企业公司等活动的需求,旨在提供优质便捷的服务。 M空间可承办小型演唱会、歌友会、音乐会、篮球比赛、时尚活动、电影首映典礼及新品发布会等不同类型的活 动,至今已完美呈现了“新少林寺电影首映礼”、“瑞丽时尚先锋夜”、“网络游戏发布会”、“发现你的能量 -霍华德中国行活动”、“马克西姆钢琴演奏会”等有行业影响力的品牌活动。 MasterCard Center (F


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