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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 2015年5月10日GRE填空部分真题总结-智课教育旗下 智课教育 GRE考试真题回顾可以让我们对该考试有一个更好的把握,全面掌 握考试动向,更好的备考。下面是智课教育小编精心整理2015年5月10 日GRE考试GRE填空真题回顾,供大家参考。 以下就是2015年5月10日GRE填空部分真题回顾,包括句子填空以 及等价填空题,并附有答案,希望能够给大家的GRE备考带来帮助。 1 . ______strict rules of hygiene in maternity wards, Ignaz Scmmelweis saved many women from dying of childbed fever, a fate that many expectant mothers feared. 参考答案:Instituting 2. To contrast the demeanor of Austen’s clergy-man brothers James and Henry with that of Mr. Collins, the much-abused figure of fun in Pride and Prejudice, is instructive, for where the Austen brothers were properly (i) ______ to their social superiors and benevolent to their dependents, the odious Mr. Collins was invariably (ii) ______ to his betters, fawning in particular on his patron, Lady Catherine de Burgh. 参考答案:differential, sycophantic 3. Fables often endure due to their (i) ______, often telling one simple narrative, based around one character. This is both by design, because direct statements are more easily remembered than florid ones, and by accident: As fables are passed from teller to teller, (ii) ______ details fall away, leaving only the essential story. Blank (i) Blank (ii) bombast superfluous objectivity requisite simplicity apocryphal 参考答案:simplicity, superfluous 4. When studying human history, one must be aware that the ______ between historical periods are arbitrary; certainly none of the people alive at the time were aware of a shift from one era to another. judgements ideologies innovations demarcations episodes 参考答案:demarcation (界限、划分) 5. Federal efforts to regulate standards on educational achievements have been met by (i) ______ from the states; local governments feel that government imposition represents an undue infringement on their (ii) ______. Blank (i) receptivity intransigence compromise Blank (ii) autonomy legislation comportment 参考答案:intransigence, autonomy 6. Many popular musicians have (i) ______ new digital technologies that allow them unprecedented



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