
39 Predictable Link Budget Design using Path Loss Model.ppt

39 Predictable Link Budget Design using Path Loss Model.ppt

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39 Predictable Link Budget Design using Path Loss Model

Dominated by same mechanisms as outdoor propagation (reflection, refraction, scattering) Classified as either LOS or OBS Surveyed by [Mol91], [Has93] - Partition Losses – Same Floor - Partition Losses – Different Floor - Log-distance path loss model - Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model - Attenuation Factor Model 3.11 Indoor Propagation Model smaller Tx-Rx separation distances than outdoors higher environmental variability for much small Tx-Rx separation - conditions vary from: doors open/closed, antenna position, - variable far field radiation for receiver locations antenna types strongly influenced by building features, layout, materials * 3.9 Predictable Link Budget Design using Path Loss Models Most RF propagation models are derived from combined (i) analytical studies (ii) experimental methods Empirical Approach – measured data is fitted to a curve or an analytical expression uses field measurements implicitly accounts for all factors (known and unknown) model generally not valid for all frequencies or environments Classical Models have evolved to predict large scale path loss used to estimate receive signal strength as a function of distance used along with noise analysis techniques used to predict SNR for RF mobile systems Median Path Loss Determination estimate receive power at distance d from transmitter ? = ?d ? = total received electrical field (V/m) ?d = electric field of equivalent direct path N = number of paths between T and R Lk = relative loss of kth path ?k = relative phase shift of kth path if LOS exists ? L0 = 1 and ?0 = 0 Pr(d) = (3.67) (3.68) d0 = close in reference distance, often determined emperically d = transmitter - receiver separation n = path loss exponent - indicates rate of path loss increase with d0 3.9.1 Log Distance Path Loss Model average received power decreases logarithmically with distance theory measurements indicate validity for indoors outdoors distance dependent mean path loss - over


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