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Concept of the Beam Exit and Entrance Windows for the TESLA Water based Beam Dumps
DESY, February 2001, TESLA Report 2001-07
Concept of the Beam Exit and Entrance Windows
for the TESLA Water based Beam Dumps
and its related Beam Lines
M. Maslov, M. Schmitz, V. Sytchev
1Concept of the Beam Exit and Entrance Windows
for the TESLA Water based Beam Dumps
and its related Beam Lines
M. Maslov, M. Schmitz, V. Sytchev
Introduction and Requirements
In the context of the beam abort systems for the TESLA project, beam windows are
required for two purposes. The beam leaves the vacuum system through an exit window
at the end of the abort line before it enters the water absorber through a separate
entrance window. These windows are heated by about 1 ms long beam pulses (bunch
trains), which have a spot size in the order of ≈1 mm2 and carry a total number of Nt
particles ranging between 13104 ? at the Tesla Test Facility (TTF) and 13102.7 ? for
TESLA FEL operation parameters. They repeat at a rate of ν (5 to 10 Hz), which results
in an overall average beam current ν??= tave NeI in the range of 45μA (TESLA main
linac) to 64μA (TTF). Typically the window thickness is chosen to be small compared
to its radiation length X0, thus shower development can be neglected. In that case
energy deposition in the window is dominated by ionisation losses and therefore
independent of the incident particle energy. As shown later, thermal diffusion within the
bunch train passage time of 1 ms is negligible.
Each bunch train causes an instantaneous temperature jump ?Tinst in the window,
which, for a given material, only depends on the incident particle density dN/dA, i.e.
spot size and Nt. After the passage of the bunch train this temperature decays to a
certain amount until the next one arrives. Therefore in steady state an equilibrium
temperature rise ?Teq is reached, around which level the temperature varies with time in
a sawtooth-like manner. The equilibrium temperature rise is determined by the average
beam current Iave , the beam size and the heat transport towards the hea
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