Detection of Animal Species in Some Meat and Meat Products by Using DNA Microarray and RT-PCR.pdf

Detection of Animal Species in Some Meat and Meat Products by Using DNA Microarray and RT-PCR.pdf

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Detection of Animal Species in Some Meat and Meat Products by Using DNA Microarray and RT-PCR

Summary Determination of animal species in the meat and meat products is one of the interest of food science, it is also important for consumer rights and food safety. Increasing world population has also remarkably impacted the demand for meat and meat products. Based on this fact, issues related to safety and quality in the meat products have brought up in that manner as well. Through DNA based molecular methods are improved in food analysis, it is preferred increasingly in the control of food safety. In this study, a total of 73 samples of the meat and meat products sold in stores, meat selling markets and public bazaars located in different districts of ?stanbul province were analyzed for the detection of animal species notified on the label by using Chipron LCD Array Analysis System. The results showed that 39 samples (53.4%) were labelled incorrectly. Randomly selected eleven samples were corrected by Iontek Fluorion Meat Species Identification Kit and FDS Detection System (Real Time PCR). Hence, it was found that the results obtained by DNA Microarray and Real Time PCR methods were identical (100%) with each other, and both methods should extensively be promoted for the detection of animal species in the meat and meat products. Keywords: DNA Microarray, Animal Species Detection, Food Safety, Real Time PCR Kar??la?t?rmal? DNA Mikroarray ve Real Time PCR Y?ntemi Kullan?larak Baz? Et ve Et ürünlerinde Tür Tayini Saptanmas? ?zet Et ve et ürünlerinde tür beyan? uygunlu?unun tespiti g?da biliminin ilgi alanlar?ndan birisi olup; tüketici haklar? ve güvenli g?da temini bak?m?ndan ?nem ta??maktad?r. Dünya nüfusunda sürekli art?? nedeniyle et ve et ürünlerine talep art?rmaktad?r. Art???n bu h?zda devam etmesi g?da güvenli?i ve kaliteyle ilgili sorunlar? gündeme getirmektedir. G?da analizlerinde DNA tabanl? moleküler y?ntemlerin h?zla geli?mesiyle, bu y?ntemler g?da güvenli?i denetiminde artan oranda tercih edilmektedir. Bu ?al??mada ?stanbul’ un farkl? sem


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