The Apllication of Original English Movies in Senior High School English Teaching 英文原版电影在高中英语教学的应用.doc

The Apllication of Original English Movies in Senior High School English Teaching 英文原版电影在高中英语教学的应用.doc

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本科生毕业论文 题 目(中文):英文原版电影在高中英语教学的应用 (英文):The Apllication of Original English Movies in Senior High School English Teaching 学生姓名: 学 号 系 部: 外语系 专业年级: 英语专业 指导教师: The Apllication of Original English Movies in Senior High School English Teaching 摘 要 随着经济全球化,作为国际语言的英语在近年来引起了越来越多的重视,然而传统的高中英语教学手段存在很多问题,不能很好地满足人们对英语应用的需要。在高考的压力下,一些高中英语教师仅仅着重于对学生进行语法训练,这样一来很容易就导致课堂无聊,学生很难了解英美文化,对英语语言的学习兴趣提不起来;并且还出现这样的问题,一些英语考试分数很高的学生反倒不能流利地用英文对话。 针对当今高中学生在学习英语过程中遇到的问题,本课题与英语专业学生学习经验相结合,站在教师的角度上分析原版电影在教学中的应用,并提出运用其要达到的目标,必须遵守的原则和合理应用的方法。通过对教案与教学方法在细节上的讨论,论文会说明英文原版电影将有利于英语教学。对这一方法进行研究和比较对解决高中英语教学中的问题和提高高中英语教学的效率具有积极的意义。 关键词:英文原版电影;高中英语教学;合理应用 Abstract With economic globalization, English, as an international working language, is drawing more and more attention in almost every field in recent years. However, the traditional way of teaching language in senior high school has not met the need of this development. Under the pressure of college entrance examination, some teachers just pay excessive attention to grammar training, which in fact makes language learning a rather boring and lack of knowing the west culture. What’s more, many students who can get a high score in examination often lack the ability to speak English fluently. In view of the English study process at which the senior high school students encounter some problems nowadays, the essay, with the experience of learning English and on the teacher’s point of view, analyses the goals of the application of original English movies in senior high school English teaching; the principles of using them and how to use it appropriately. Through discussing the specific details of the lesson plan and teaching method, the essay sum up that the original English movies is beneficial to English teaching. Key words:Original English Movies, Senior High School English Teaching, Appropriated application



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