The Application of Activity-based Approach to Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School 活动教学法在初中英语口语教学中的应用.doc

The Application of Activity-based Approach to Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School 活动教学法在初中英语口语教学中的应用.doc

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The Application of Activity-based Approach to Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School 活动教学法在初中英语口语教学中的应用 摘要 课堂活动教学在吸收了传统教学的优点的同时,融入了活动,以知识的应用为主,强调多样性、主动性、自主性的优点,进一步完善了英语学科教学体系,使英语学科课堂教学更能体现学生学习的主体性和创造性,也融入了新课程的理念,全面提高学生素质。新课程理念强调,要积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,培养学生主动探究、团结合作、勇于创新的学习精神。以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育是当今教育改革的主旋律,课堂教学则是培养学生创新精神及实践能力的主阵地。学生只有在主动参与学习并且主动投入教学活动中才能由过去单一接受式的学习方式转化为自主、合作、探究的学习方式。因此,培养学生主动参与学习的品质是实现学习方式的变革和构建新型课堂结构的关键。而活动教学法正有力地体现了这一点。 关键词:活动教学; 呈现活动; 练习活动 Abstract China carries out a series of reform on junior English teaching, and oral English teaching is concerned widely. In addition, the new teaching materials also lay emphasis on oral English, and teachers, to some degree, stress the training of language application. But there is little progress in oral English, and the present condition is still unsatisfactory. That is to say, teachers should teach English for communication and design suitable activities in class in order to create a suitable atmosphere for students to practice their oral English. By means of the activity-based approach, teachers can provide students with a lot of opportunities to open their mouths and exchange their ideas with others in English, thus improving their oral English effectively. Keywords: junior English teaching oral English teaching the activity-based approach Introduction At present, English plays an important role in Chinese people’s life and work. Its function is more and more prominent. More than 300 million Chinese people are learning the language, but how many people have learnt it well? There is a general phenomenon among the English majors that their ability of verbal communication falls far behind their basic knowledge and theory level. That is to say, they lack practical English application. They can hardly use what they have learnt in real life. According to a recent survey, only 4 percent of students who major in English can speak and use English to communicate efficiently after graduation from col


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